Total mix ration (TMR)

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Total mix ration (TMR)

Post by rick47 »

Tested with no mods and dlc, with bales and mixer

The game aid explains that to do TMR, you need 1 straw bale, 2 hay bales and silage. But when we put in the mixer only hay and silage bales, it is noted at the bottom right of the screen that it is indeed TMR, however there is no straw and it works still.
Also, when you put 1 bale of straw, you can put a single bale of hay (and not 2 as specified in the help) and silage, and that also works.
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Re: Total mix ration (TMR)

Post by Mwal »

This is intended. Straw is fed as a way to balance the acids in a cows stomach when they are pushed hard. It gives you the option to go up to 25 percent because it has little to no nutritional value and mixing in more than that and it going back to forage is simulating it not being high quality feed anymore
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Re: Total mix ration (TMR)

Post by Bryan83 »

TMR for the game purposes is a recipe. I believe it is 25-75% silage, 25-75% hay and 0-25% straw.
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Please forgive me, I am but a lowly console player (XB1)