Cows and Manure

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LJR Modding
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:32 pm

Cows and Manure

Post by LJR Modding »

Is there a way to have cows still poop on the ground and it gather in a pile. In 19 the cows would poop and you would have to scoop it and clean it up. how can i do that in 22?
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Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:45 pm

Re: Cows and Manure

Post by XPModder »

Yes, thats definitely possible to do. All you would have to do is to add a fill plane (you could just copy that from a manure heap) to the stable and in the stables xml configure it like a manure heap.
You can make it extra easy by starting with a cow stable that has an integrated manure heap somewhere. Then you "just" have to move and potentially resize the fill plane of the manure heap to be inside the stable in/on the ground...
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