[FEATURE REQUEST] Start Fields as Unplowed

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[FEATURE REQUEST] Start Fields as Unplowed

Post by CornetPlayer »

Currently, when a field is purchased, it is ready to plant. Instead, make it an unplowed, uncultivated grass pasture that must be plowed.
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Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Start Fields as Unplowed

Post by NickelPlate »

I doubt they'll do this as having to plow every field is time consuming and difficult, but uncultivated isn't so bad. Plowing fields can be fun if you're connecting or making your own but I sure wouldn't want to have to do it every time but maybe it could be added as an extra menu option.
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Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Start Fields as Unplowed

Post by McLovin »

I hate plowing, but that's just my opinion. I agree with Nickels idea that maybe it could be added as an option in the menu.
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Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Start Fields as Unplowed

Post by RubberPIX »

I doubt that it could be added as an optional setting since I'm fairly sure something like that would have to be done as a script or some other such thing. What could happen though is have it added so that when you make a game, it asks you if you want to play on easy, normal or hard and then asks you if you want all fields to be plowed or unplowed when you start.

I recently felt the need to plow one of the grass fields I created to the south of the farm because there were many spots that had no grass and looked really bad, so I got my starter plow out and went to town. In that one, single field, I did more plowing than I ever wanted to do and the biggest problem, is that I couldn't hire a worker to plow it. So there I sat in my chair, trying to stay awake while digging every inch of that field up. Then, when I was finally done, I hired a guy to re-plant the grass and that took minutes compared to the hour or so it took to plow it (with me nodding off every so often.)

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