EAS and MaizePlus Animal Food Addition Help

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EAS and MaizePlus Animal Food Addition Help

Post by StrigoNokte »

I've been working on overhauling Pigs to make them a bit more realistic, and am currently using MaizePlus, MaizePlus Animal Food Additions and the Enhanced Animal System. When I edit the food consumption rate in the Enhanced Animal System it has no effect in game, it seems its still pulling the the data from maizePlus_animalDataOverride xml as when I change it here I see it reflected in game. However there's no differentiation here between male or female so it's not ideal for what I was trying to do

In EAS the sell price change works as does the litter number, just not the consumption (of what I've tested so far). I've noticed that the section headers are slightly different, MaizePus has multiple inputs labelled <input type="food" > for example, whereas EAS has a <food> subheader.. not sure if that's making any difference. Before I start making changes to test that wanted to check here first.

Any ideas? Thanks very much