chaff storage

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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:42 pm

chaff storage

Post by joshr »

wondering if someone has done a mod to store chaff closer to the farm so you dont have to drive so far as you cant have a big trailer on the big krone
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Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:08 am

Re: chaff storage

Post by sfy »

why would you want to store it anywhere other than in a silage clamp? that's all it is good for, silage.

between the silage clamp by the cows and the BGA, you can place over 2 million Liters of chaff in there (unsure of how much the cows clamp holds) just keep dumping more into each individual clamp till full, then start a new one. when you need money, compress it and cover it, then sell the silage.
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