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Floating hay bales

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:33 pm
by hayseed23
Does anybody know how I can keep haybales attached to the Kroger Agroline PWS18 bale transporter? They want to float off. Also had the same problem with wool pallets on the basic blue Lizard bale trailer.

Re: Floating hay bales

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:06 pm
by M&M
On some equipments I have ,, I use the X key to have a hold down on what ever I get on my trailer.
and on some other it is the O key ,,,

Cheers !

Re: Floating hay bales

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:09 pm
by dormi
i have the same problem,also they get stuck together.I had 4 pallets on the blue trailer then went to add the fifth and as soon as it got close to them they all moved and were stuck together.Also when i go to drive away they all fall off.did you actually fix this yet or did you just come out with a new game to buy that does the same thing!this is the longest process in the game weather it be square bails,round bails,or wool pallets,i do enjoy the game "UNTIL"i have to deal with any of them for transport or to feed cattle.

Re: Floating hay bales

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:30 pm
by Tryst
It's a real PITA. Even loading the bales and pallets is nigh on impossible, load a few and while you go off to get another, the others you've already loaded have floated off the back. Even trailers with a lock function, you can't lock them until you've loaded them all and are ready to drive off with them. I have even picked one up that floated off put it back in another place, only to watch it float off again. Really the physics is totally fracked up.