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by Steel_Horse
Sat Nov 30, 2024 2:00 am
Forum: [EN] General Discussion
Topic: Rotate placed building?
Replies: 2
Views: 555

Re: Rotate placed building?

If you are on PC and a have basic profiency with an editor you can edit the placeables.xml file entry for the silo to rotate it slightly. You will find the placeables.xml file in the savegame directory for the specific save. The specific line you are looking for will likely be down towards the botto...
by Steel_Horse
Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:00 am
Forum: [EN] Technical Support
Topic: FS25 completely crashes my pc repeatedly
Replies: 24
Views: 10069

Re: FS25 completely crashes my pc repeatedly

Some issues when playing FS25. My computer completly shuts down. I have to press the powerbutton again to start, critical kernal failure. I also have blackscreen flickers. Tried all kinds of settings. Been wasting about 12 hours on testing settings but cant really get the black-screen flickers to d...
by Steel_Horse
Thu May 30, 2024 3:48 am
Forum: [EN] Technical Support
Topic: I need help
Replies: 1
Views: 349

Re: I need help

Not clear what equipment you are using, however wheat and corn are sown and harvested with different equipment. The shop menu for each piece of equipment shows you the grains it works with
by Steel_Horse
Sun May 12, 2024 12:20 am
Forum: [EN] Technical Support
Topic: Fields refresh of the map every 60 seconds make the game stutter
Replies: 16
Views: 3392

Re: Stuttering every 60 seconds

My game keeps freezing for 2-3 seconds... Log shows, Info: Failed to request rc, HTTP code 0 Im playing single player I dont have the freeze, but I have been seeing the error code. I started noticing it popping up in logs around about the time of the recent DLC. The cause is a LUA function not endi...
by Steel_Horse
Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:45 am
Forum: [EN] General Discussion
Topic: Help on the Oaks Map
Replies: 3
Views: 1629

Re: Help on the Oaks Map

Two options that I have used. 1. Use map object hider mod to hide the boom gate. 2. In Autodrive go to global settings (The third tab titled "Settings - Autodrive". The seventh option for Collision Detection can be changed to "FS19". This will then enable autodrive to activate th...
by Steel_Horse
Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:25 am
Forum: [EN] Technical Support
Topic: Tyres invisible or missing conflict ?
Replies: 2
Views: 673

Re: Tyres invisible or missing conflict ?

Its looking to me like Patch 1.12 introduced a small issue related to tyres and or wheels. I am seeing a bunch of errors on save games and maps that were previously error free
by Steel_Horse
Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:39 am
Forum: [EN] Technical Support
Topic: "This Action Cannot Be Performed Here" When unloading fresh cut maize silage
Replies: 4
Views: 2511

Re: "This Action Cannot Be Performed Here" When unloading fresh cut maize silage

I know how frustrating that is. Been in a similar place myself although not on that particular map. Sounds like you are on a fairly reasonable path to solve it. So dont give up. A little extra information about what is going on might help you. The game keeps track of a range of characteristics for a...
by Steel_Horse
Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:13 am
Forum: [EN] Modding
Topic: Wood sell price
Replies: 2
Views: 1077

Re: Wood sell price

If I am understanding the actions you are trying, they will only affect the price that a given map starts on for a new game. If you are trying to change base price in a game you have already started you need to change the savegame file. In the economy.xml (for the specific savegame) for the WOOD fil...
by Steel_Horse
Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:20 am
Forum: [EN] General Discussion
Topic: How to remove a ditch in middle of a field
Replies: 7
Views: 1639

Re: How to remove a ditch in middle of a field

Hi thanks for the advice i can now use the landscape tool to remove the ditch but i am not able to get it level is it possible to delete the ditch in the giants editor I'm not to good with the editor so any help would be great PS i am on a PC I dont have enough skill to give you a clear list of ste...
by Steel_Horse
Mon Jul 03, 2023 9:18 am
Forum: [EN] General Discussion
Topic: How to remove a ditch in middle of a field
Replies: 7
Views: 1639

Re: How to remove a ditch in middle of a field

levelling it in landscape mode doesn’t work? Yes i does level the ditch and i create a field over the top but courseplay still plots a route round it Ability to define it in a custom field and solve the issue is going to depend on how that terrain is actually defined in the map. I cant remember the...
by Steel_Horse
Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:47 am
Forum: [EN] Modding
Topic: Retain tree type configuration for processing.
Replies: 2
Views: 1571

Re: Retain tree type configuration for processing.

Hi, Is there a way to reference or seperate cut wood into it's original tree species? The idea is to have productions based on specific wood species or types (hardwood/softwood) but I dont know if it's possible to facilitate that given all cut timber gets grouped as "wood" although based ...
by Steel_Horse
Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:11 am
Forum: [EN] Modding
Topic: Can someone point me to the right place in the xml please?
Replies: 17
Views: 4792

Re: Can someone point me to the right place in the xml please?

Interesting thread. I wonder if you need to consider having two pieces of equipment. That doesnt necessarily mean two visible models. However you might need to define an invisible wrapper to sit in side the baler that receives the grass bale and then outputs a wrapped bale. That potentially would al...
by Steel_Horse
Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:02 am
Forum: [EN] General Discussion
Topic: A way to pay to have field sprayed
Replies: 5
Views: 1083

Re: A way to pay to have field sprayed

Not aware of a mod that works quite like that however you could use EasyDev to do it. In the first step you would edit the field state and then in the second just deduct the amount you think is fair from your bank account.
by Steel_Horse
Wed Jun 21, 2023 3:01 am
Forum: [EN] Technical Support
Topic: Niewbie help with courseplay (FS22)
Replies: 5
Views: 3021

Re: Niewbie help with courseplay (FS22)

For anybody that stumbles across this thread I've figured out the combine just sitting there problem. I had joined 2 field together but not created a single custom field. So when the combine stopped in a different (original) field boundary to the trailor it wouldn't see it and just sit there. Makin...
by Steel_Horse
Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:42 am
Forum: [EN] General Discussion
Topic: Gate Animations
Replies: 1
Views: 552

Re: Gate Animations

Have you tried this Mod? It isnt exactly what you want but should at least have them open automatically for you. Gates will remain open on land that you own and then depending on how the map maker has...