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Wheellanes mod destroying seed?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:22 am
by adamjohnson
Hello all,

I have been using wheellanes mod recently due to not liking Drive Controls crop destruction mechanics, I started using wheellanes mod as it doesnt effect grass which is what I dont like about drivecontrol. But after drilling 3 fields I noticed all the fields I had drilled had alot of missed bits on the Menu and after doing some tests with speeding up time I found out all the fields had wheel lines in where I had driven with the drill.
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I dont understand why It is doing this as the drill is going over all wheel marks so why would it destroy the crop? As I understood things I thought Wheellanes mod only destroyed crops above growth stage 2?

If anyone can help with this it would be very much appreciated as I would love to use this mod but this is preventing me from doing so.

PS. I do have drivecontrol installed but crop destruction is turned off, thought I would note this incase it might have something to do with the problem.
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