Simfarmfriends - a global sim farming community

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Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:02 am

Simfarmfriends - a global sim farming community

Post by chrisso06 »


Sim-farm friends was created by a group of lads wishing to take their Multiplayer Sim-farm to the next level after they experienced a stronger than normal following on their Twitch streams when they began allowing their viewers who play Farm Simulator 2015 to engage with their custom map/mod farm during streams. It made for some great streaming and great community inspiration !

And so the story "grew" ... with the farm growing bigger and busier than ever before the workload increased but due to many hands making light work, we found that multiplayer eliminated that sole feeling of running a massive farm by yourself, which tended to make single player boring after a while, but created another issue of keeping track of activities on the busier than ever farm.

and so...Sim-farm friends was born...

You're invited to join or add your sim farm server to our list of currently managed ones in order for the owners to keep a detailed eye on everything happeneing on their farms while both on and offline. together let us harvest, grow, cut, chop ,cultivate, grind and log amoung a million other things we can do in this awesome title !! With a great management team and mature, friendly members, all of our farms are projected for a fantastic first quarterly period !

  • *Add your MP farm server to our list of currently managed farms or join a already managed one !
    *Have all your farm members report to your detailed farms page ensuring an owner of the farms trajectory.
    *Add tasks to be completed by members / Update what you have done on what field during your most recent session.
    *Owners and members can log in and see what has recently been done on their farms so they plan their next session the way they want.
    *Massive farms with lots of players is awesome fun but hard to manage or make sure people arn't double tasking.
    *Owner has a greater power of observation and purchase / task tracking.
    *Point system can award members for completed activities / accural of points may lead to prizes and rewards later.
    *assign members permissions to ensure no one is buying things they shouldn't
    *Break your farm up into sectors and have designated members control that sector allowing for more command and control.

It's free and has sponsored recruitment ensuring growth within our community ! a great way to bring this awesome community together in one easy to access place.