[FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by InterClaw »

I'm trying invert this gamepad axis in inputBinding.xml.

<axis name="AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM2" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lshift KEY_j" key2="KEY_lshift KEY_n" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6" axis="AXIS_4" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="y" button1="" button2="" visible="true" />

False or true has no effect in the game anymore. I could change this in v1.3.

The problem does not seem to be unique to this control, but rather all axes.
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Holle74 »

Sosnovka map
PC 1.4.1.v
Single player
Next to field nr.8 grass not moweable, large spot where mower dos not cut the grass.
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by jujulg »


Before beginning saddened for my English but I am French.

Here is my problem since the maj 1.4 I have one concerns(marigolds) to assign touches to move(put) back and move forward the vehicle.
Knowing that I use a lever playsation 4.
When I try to assign the touch to move(put) back of a he(it) does not put the touch which I want and of two he(it) puts the same touch automatically to move forward and vice versa.

On this image I modified that the touch to move forward (vehicle) but automatically also modified me to move(put) back (vehicle) by the same touch.
http://img110.xooimage.com/views/8/3/5/ ... 523db.png/

In my case I would like that to move(put) back (vehicle) I assign by pressing on L2 what corresponds to the boutton 7 in the game(set,play) and what to move forward (vehicle) I assign by pressing on R2 what corresponds to the button 8 in the game(set,play).
Then 1st question centres him(it) 7 that comes you he(it) to make there and the 2nd how I make with twice the same touch?

I also know that it is possible to modify touch via(including) the file:
In the file(case) :
C:\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015

Here is in spoiler the file in question :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<inputBinding version="68" mouseSensitivityScaleX="1.000000" mouseSensitivityScaleY="1.000000" yDirection="1">
<input name="TOGGLE_LIGHTS_FPS" category="ONFOOT " key1="KEY_f" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" />
<!-- CIRCLE -->
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<!-- SQUARE -->
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<!-- R-STICK -->
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<!-- R1 + CIRCLE -->
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<!-- L1 + CIRCLE -->
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<!-- X -->
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<!-- L1 + SQUARE -->
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<!-- L1 + X -->
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<!-- L1 + TRIANGLE -->
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<!-- R1 + SQUARE !!! -->
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<!-- SELECT -->
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<!--R1 + SQUARE -->
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<!-- CIRCLE -->
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<!-- TRIANGLE -->
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<!-- R1 + X -->
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<!-- R1 + TRIANGLE -->
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<input name="JUMP" category="ONFOOT" key1="KEY_space" key2="" button="BUTTON_2" device="0" mouse="" />
<!-- X -->
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<!-- X -->
<input name="RUN" category="ONFOOT" key1="KEY_lshift" key2="" button="BUTTON_5" device="0" mouse="" />
<!-- L1 -->
<input name="MENU" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" key1="KEY_esc" key2="" button="BUTTON_10" device="0" mouse="" />
<!-- START -->
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<!-- X -->
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<axis name="AXIS_MOVE_FORWARD_VEHICLE" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_s" key2="KEY_w" key3="" key4="" button="" axis="AXIS_5" device="0" invert="false" />
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<axis name="AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM2" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lshift KEY_j" key2="KEY_lshift KEY_n" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6" axis="AXIS_4" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="y" />
<axis name="AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL2" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lshift KEY_k" key2="KEY_lshift KEY_m" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6" axis="AXIS_3" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="x" />
<axis name="AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL3" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lshift KEY_lctrl KEY_j" key2="KEY_lshift KEY_lctrl KEY_n" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6 BUTTON_5" axis="AXIS_3" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="x" />
<axis name="AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL4" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lshift KEY_lctrl KEY_k" key2="KEY_lshift KEY_lctrl KEY_m" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6 BUTTON_5" axis="AXIS_4" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="y" />
<axis name="AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL5" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lctrl KEY_k" key2="KEY_lctrl KEY_m" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6 BUTTON_5" axis="AXIS_1" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE" mouseAxis="x" />
<axis name="AXIS_CRANE_ARM" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_j" key2="KEY_n" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_5" axis="AXIS_4" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT" mouseAxis="y" />
<axis name="AXIS_CRANE_TOOL" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_m" key2="KEY_k" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_5" axis="AXIS_3" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT" mouseAxis="x" />
<axis name="AXIS_CRANE_ARM2" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lshift KEY_j" key2="KEY_lshift KEY_n" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6" axis="AXIS_4" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="y" />
<axis name="AXIS_CRANE_TOOL2" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lshift KEY_k" key2="KEY_lshift KEY_m" key3="" key4="" button="BUTTON_6" axis="AXIS_3" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="x" />
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<axis name="AXIS_ROTATE_HANDTOOL" category="ONFOOT" key1="KEY_j" key2="KEY_n" key3="" key4="" button="" axis="AXIS_5" device="0" invert="false" mouse="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT" mouseAxis="x" />
<input name="CONSOLE_ALT_COMMAND_BUTTON" category="VEHICLE" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_5" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
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<!-- N/A - Previous L1+R1 -->
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<input name="CONSOLE_MULTISELECTION1_NEXT" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_6" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
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<!-- X -->
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<!-- SQUARE -->
<input name="CONSOLE_SHOP_BACK" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<!-- O -->
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_SAVE" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_1" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_CONTINUE" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
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<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_NO" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
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<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_DOWN" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_19" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_START" category="MENU" key1="KEY_return" key2="" button="BUTTON_2" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_DELETEGAME" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_1" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_RESETVEHICLES" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_4" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_FINANCES_LOAN" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_1" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_FINANCES_PAYBACK" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_4" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_FINANCES_OK" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_VEHICLE_SELL" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_2" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_VEHICLE_CANCEL" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_VEHICLE_OK" category="MENU" key1="KEY_return" key2="" button="BUTTON_2" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_FIELD_BUY" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_1" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_FIELD_BID" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_4" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_FIELD_BACK" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_RESETVEHICLE" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_11" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_ACTIVATE" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_1" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<!-- SQUARE -->
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_OK" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_2" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<!-- CROSS -->
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_BACK" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_3" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<!-- CIRCLE -->
<input name="CONSOLE_MENU_CANCEL" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="BUTTON_4" device="0" mouse="" visible="false" />
<!-- TRIANGLE -->
<input name="LOWER_ALL_IMPLEMENTS" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_lctrl KEY_v" key2="" button="" device="0" mouse="" />
<input name="TOGGLE_CRUISE_CONTROL" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_3" key2="" button="BUTTON_5 BUTTON_6 BUTTON_1" device="0" mouse="" />
<axis name="AXIS_CRUISE_CONTROL" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_2" key2="KEY_1" key3="" key4="" button="" axis="AXIS_2" device="0" invert="true" />
<axis name="MENU_AXIS_UP_DOWN" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="" axis="AXIS_2" device="0" invert="false" />
<axis name="MENU_AXIS_LEFT_RIGHT" category="MENU" key1="" key2="" button="" axis="AXIS_1" device="0" invert="false" />
In paasant by the file the question I ask myself is what(whom) touch needs he(it) to modify?
Because I made several tests but without result(profit).

In espèrant have been clear and too long.
Thank you in advance for your help(assistant).
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by jujulg »


Further to my 1st comment I come to indicate you that I also have to try via a software of configuration of lever but always nothing thank you in advance your help and your answers.
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by RICH22 »

I have an xbox one & after the recent update, I haven't been able to play online. The update downloaded fine & then it started the game. When you get to the main screen & hit the "A" button it freezes. I have tried uninstalling & reinstalling the game (several times). It still freezes everytime but I can play the game off line just fine. Plus I can still play my other games online just fine. Can anyone help?
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Delta »

RICH22 wrote:I have an xbox one & after the recent update, I haven't been able to play online. The update downloaded fine & then it started the game. When you get to the main screen & hit the "A" button it freezes. I have tried uninstalling & reinstalling the game (several times). It still freezes everytime but I can play the game off line just fine. Plus I can still play my other games online just fine. Can anyone help?
Hello, welcome to the forums.
This is the PC bug collection thread for future issues please post in the console thread. Now regarding your issue have a look at this topic: http://forum.giants-software.com/viewto ... 45#p677054
Q-dance Ambassador.
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Need console help/tips? Check this thread: http://forum.giants-software.com/viewto ... 31&t=83133
Bug reports: http://forum.giants-software.com/viewforum.php?f=868
How to find/post log txt: viewtopic.php?f=827&t=88665
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Holle74 »

• Model/Object: Sosnovka map (PC)
• Issue: Hovering trees
• Single- or Multiplayer: Single
• Steps to reproduce: ?

After cutting some trees, these show up from forest...how to do the thing you know...cut those trees? :hmm:

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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Smudge »

Not sure if my issue belongs here!! I downloaded Mac OSX El Capitan and lost my game completely. !!!??? Can't find it anywhere on Macintosh HD. Advised Apple....noyhing. Advised Giant Software... they took the mac version off of the purchase site!!!??? Their site advised that FS15 was compatible with version 10.7.1 or later.. Am puzzled
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by don_apple »

Smudge wrote:Not sure if my issue belongs here!! I downloaded Mac OSX El Capitan and lost my game completely. !!!??? Can't find it anywhere on Macintosh HD. Advised Apple....noyhing. Advised Giant Software... they took the mac version off of the purchase site!!!??? Their site advised that FS15 was compatible with version 10.7.1 or later.. Am puzzled
This does not look like it's related to the latest patch for the game, therefore posting this in a separate thread would have been better. Anyway, I'm not sure I understand your problem. You had FS15 installed and running on a previous version of Mac OS X and after you updated the OS to El Capitan the game has disappeared from the "Applications" folder? is that a correct description about what happened? Did you try searching for the game via "Spotlight"?

How did you buy the game? Directly from Giants? Via the Mac App store or on DVD? If you bought it directly from Giants you should be able to download it from their eshop using the link and the code you got via mail when you purchased the game. If you bought it via the Mac App store you can simply reinstall the game via the Mac Ap Store application. And if you bought the game in DVD you just reinstall it from there.

BTW. the mac version is still available on the purchase site as far as I can see: http://www.farming-simulator.com/buy-no ... hp?lang=en

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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Der_Tod »

The download version is still on the Giants homepage: http://www.farming-simulator.com/buy-no ... hp?lang=en and the game is also available in the AppStore. To find your old savegames you can use the tool from don_apple http://forum.giants-software.com/viewto ... 69#p621669 it will find your FarmingSimulator15 folder.
If your application ist lost you should be able to reinstall.

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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Smudge »

In answer to your questions, you asked 'is that a correct description of what happened'? Yes it is. The game was purchased directly from Giants. Where do I go on the Giants website to enter the product key for download? When I mentioned that the Mac version buy page was blank, it still is. When you click on Visa to go to the buy page, it is still blank. Many thanks. By the way, I used your suggestion of don-apple site in the google search, and it found nothing. So El Capitan wiped it out completely. Thanks again Der_Tod. If you could advise where I go for the download to enter product key. Blessings man!
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Der_Tod »

The link where you can download the game from Giants homepage should be in the same e-mail you received the product key with: http://eshop.giants-software.com/downloads.php

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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by don_apple »

Smudge wrote:In answer to your questions, you asked 'is that a correct description of what happened'? Yes it is. The game was purchased directly from Giants. Where do I go on the Giants website to enter the product key for download? When I mentioned that the Mac version buy page was blank, it still is. When you click on Visa to go to the buy page, it is still blank. Many thanks. By the way, I used your suggestion of don-apple site in the google search, and it found nothing. So El Capitan wiped it out completely. Thanks again Der_Tod. If you could advise where I go for the download to enter product key. Blessings man!
It sounds to me like you did a fresh install of the OS instead of an upgrade from the previous version. Because if you do an upgrade then all the applications you had installed before should still be there, but a fresh install will wipe everything. In case you are not using "Time Machine" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Machine_(OS_X)) yet I would recommend to start using it. Because then you can easily restore apps and data that was previously deleted.

I can confirm that if you go to http://www.farming-simulator.com/buy-no ... hp?lang=en and then click on the Button with the Credit Card symbols all you get is a black page instead of the form to enter the details, which seems to be a bug on the Giants website. I'll let one of the developers know so that they can get this fixed.

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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Smudge »

Thanks you two. I didn't even think of looking at the e-mail with the product code. I am so glad don_apple that you made me aware of the upgrade rather than the Apple web download. So if I would have gone to the upgrade section of my computer instead of the website, I would not have had this problem. Woah!!!! I thank you for your patience with me. Blessings. I will talk on another thread re Mods. Thanks again.
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Re: [FS15] Bug Collection Thread v1.4.1

Post by Xtrememaster »

Problem on the camera view on the main game.. When switch to or from a verhicle the zoom of the camera is to close..
Everytime i switch to a new one i have to set the camera more out-zoomed.. Really like to see if this camera can be more out-zoomed when switch to a tractor or other verhicle..

Poettinger MEX 6 doesnt have any chopping sounds. (when chopping corn)
Pre-ordered FS17 1x xbox one version, 1x steam version 1x Giants store versionHaving 2x saitek heavy equipment steers (one is here and the other under way) Also pre-ordered the FS17 collectors edition. *thumbsup* *thumbsup* *thumbsup* :chinese:
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