Greenwich Vally

Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:34 pm

Greenwich Vally

Post by gigilal »

Hi guys I am looking for some help.

Me and my friends want to play on Greenwich Vally that seems like a really nice map and that we can have multiplefarm lands on it.

Now I have found out that the first farm that is being created will own all the built in "Silo,Cow,Sheep,Pig,Horse,House" and I have a look around in the file called "defaultitems" and it is stated here that all these built in will be owned my FarmID: 1

<item className="AnimalHusbandry" filename="$moddir$FS19_Greenwich/maps/placeables/cow/husbandryCowLarge.xml" position="0 0 0" rotation="0 0 0" farmId="1"/>
<item className="AnimalHusbandry" filename="$mapdir$/maps/placeables/sheep/husbandrySheepLarge.xml" position="77.369 68.742 -265.835" rotation="0 0 0" farmId="1" />
<item className="AnimalHusbandry" filename="$mapdir$/maps/placeables/pig/husbandryPig.xml" position="-409.63 63.521 248.492" rotation="0 0 0" farmId="1" />
<item className="AnimalHusbandry" filename="$mapdir$/maps/placeables/horse/husbandryHorse.xml" position="43.758 82.492 807.416" rotation="0 0 0" farmId="1" />
<item className="FarmhousePlaceable" filename="$mapdir$/maps/placeables/house/house.xml" position="-629.745 68.455 -298.611" rotation="0 0 0" farmId="1" />
How can I make these things be owned by the farm that actually buys them ingame? Has FarmID 0 something to say? Or do I manually have to get everyone to buy their property and then turn off the server and change the numbers inside "defaultitems" ?

I really hope someone could help me here.