Error: 'Station' not defined in config file

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Error: 'Station' not defined in config file

Post by frappydan »

Error: 'Station' not defined in config file - am getting this error in the log.txt file yet all my stations are defined correctly in my map01.xml file and they all function in the game. Yes, I am pointing the xmlFile value to my local maps/map01.xml file and not the $data/maps/map01.xml. My other triggers that use the useMapConfigXml boolean value are all set to true.

Is there a limit to how many sell points or storage points that you can define on a map?

Another issue that might be related to this is this part. The prices are all addressed yet in the game they show a $0 value in the stats and can't get any money for any of them at the barn. This may be an un-related issue with the above but thought it worth mentioning in case it's not.

<tipTrigger index="WINDROW_STORAGE" stationName="Da Barn" appearsOnPDA="true" isAreaTrigger="true" isSellingPoint="true" triggerWidth="6" >
<fillType name="grass_windrow" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="true" />
<fillType name="dryGrass_windrow" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="true" />
<fillType name="straw" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="true" />
<fillType name="silage" priceScale="1" supportsGreatDemand="false" disablePriceDrop="true" />