Service pickup flipping easily on turns

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Physics Breaker
Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:04 am

Service pickup flipping easily on turns

Post by Physics Breaker »

Anyone else notice when you attach the pvc fuel tank to the bed of the service pickup and it's empty and even full at high speeds while turning, the truck flips? Not to be mean to the great developers of the mod, but the pickup needs a little bit more tweaking with its gravity and motion and weight and stability to reduce the risk of flipping over at high speed turns with a empty or full pvc fuel tank attached in the bed. Still, while I wait for a update, I can use the flipping feature to film crashes and roll overs in my film.
"Farming Simulator has its physics, I break its physics"-Physics Breaker

Veteran of Farming Simulator since its first release in 2009

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The original author and creator of the Farming Simulator: The Movie!™ series