Some Issues with GE

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Some Issues with GE

Post by SJ_Sathanas »

I'm attempting to fix the field dimensions in a mod map where the author didn't do so as I want to make the fields available to contracts but I'm having issues with GE.

-The interface is really low res. Is there a way to correct this? I can't find any preferences.
-When moving field corner transform groups they seem to loose the parallelogram. The blue box (Scripts - map - render field area} disappears. The fields already properly defined don't seem to have this issue - I can manipulate them just fine.
-When I move the perspective the transform widget (and whatever I have selected) moves too. The XYZ dimensions don't change, so I assume the object isn't moving, but it appears to and it's really damn confusing. If I deselect the object, move my view then re-select the object it disappears (or the transform widget does at least)?