Rotate autoload unload pose

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Rotate autoload unload pose

Post by SimDala »

Does anyone here know the correct parameter to rotate the unload pose for autoload?

I've got this setup but the position is parallell to the machine and I want it to be perpendicular.

<AutoLoadWood SizeY="5" SizeX="10" Speed="500">
<woodTrigger xOff="1.2" yOff="-3" zOff="1.5" />
<fillPose xOff="0" yOff="-0.5" zOff="0" />
<unloadPose xOff="3.5" yOff="0" zOff="0" xRot="90"/>
<limitToLen minLen="2.5" maxLen="20" delimbOk="0" />

I've tried things like xRot, yRot but no success with that.