how to show on Prices page

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how to show on Prices page

Post by heticu7 »

Hello all.

I found a mod called "FS19_BigFluidStorage" that is great for storing liquids. However, none of the inventories show up on the Prices page. I have 2 other small mods called "FS19_fuelstore" and "FS19_HerbicideTank". Each of those are simple tanks that store only 1 item each: diesel and herbicide, respectively. But they both show up on the Prices page.

I am comparing the xml files for all 3 to figure out what to add to the BigFluidStorage xml file so that its inventory will also show up on the Prices page. The only thing I can see different between the 3 files is a section like this:

<storage node="2|2" fillTypes="DIESEL" capacityPerFillType="10000" />

<storage node="4|1" fillTypes="herbicide" capacityPerFillType="32000" />

The last 2 mods each have a section like this; the first mod does not. I am thinking that if I add a "storages" section to the BigFluid mod xml file, and add lines for each fluid that is stored, including appropriate specs, that will make them show up on the Prices page. However, I don't know what (storage node="2|2") or (storage node="4|1") means, and why they are different between the 2 mods.

Am I on the right track? If so, could someone help me understand these specs? Thanks!