WorldXZRotation camera possibly a on off switch???

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WorldXZRotation camera possibly a on off switch???

Post by RTR52 »

I may be the only one but maybe there's a few other farmers that share my thoughts.

I never liked the WorldXZRotation camera. In FS15 and FS13 I would only use steerable mods so that I could turn off the WorldXZRotation camera.
I just get so tiered of moving the camera so I can see where I'm driving. My grandson has no problem with the WorldXZRotation camera, he always has a hand on the mouse moving camera anyway.

In FS17 I'm using mostly standard steerable machines because I like the improvements Giant made. I love the performance of the FS17 machines. Its great that there's a switch to turn the new dymanic camera off or on. Just think it would be great to be able to turn WorldXZRotation camera off & on also.
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Re: WorldXZRotation camera possibly a on off switch???

Post by Decker_MMIV »

The 'Dynamic camera' setting in-game, is what I understand being the 'WorldXZRotation'. - It only affects the in-cabin camera, and most noticable when driving up/down slopes.

Maybe you are thinking of the 'Reset camera', which is also an in-game setting in FS17 that can be changed. - It is just above the 'Dynamic camera' setting.
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