[SOLVED] Poplar should be Willow

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[SOLVED] Poplar should be Willow

Post by SteelRodent »

I believe this is mainly an issue with incorrect translation from German (or a misunderstand and lack of knowledge about horticulture by the UI designers), but it's mildly put confusing. I've been meaning to report this long ago, but forgot about it until I once again tried to figure out what to do with the tiny fields.

- PC/Mac/PS4/XB1: PC (but should be all English language versions)
- Vehicle/Tool/Model/Object: PL-75 tree planter. 130FB forage header.
- Single- or Multiplayer: either
- Issue: The game help says you can plant poplar to easily create lots of wood chips. It even shows the icon of a poplar tree. Problem is: Poplar trees are big f****** trees; they're all over Sosnovka. What you plant as "poplar" with the tree planter is actually "willow" - a fast growing bush that has lots of wood, but very few leaves - and it looks nothing like poplar, and isn't even the same family of plants. What grows out of the field after planting it is correctly modelled willow bushes, which is confusing if you think you're planting trees.

As much as I can tell, the issue comes from someone mixing up willow trees (nothing to do with weeping willows) and willow bushes, which are two different things and actually not at all related despite the similar name (what we can plant in-game are willow bushes). In German, as much as my crappy dictionary will tell me, "Schwarzpappel" (black poplar) is poplar-willow (a kind of willow tree) and I think that's where the mixup comes from.

Also worth noting that unless you read the in-game help section or happen to notice the harvester head for it, you won't even know this method of making wood chips is in the game, because it's not mentioned anywhere else.
GIANTS Software | CTO
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Re: Poplar should be Willow

Post by Stegei »

Both polar and willow can be planted in short rotation plantations.
See for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_rotation_forestry

Obviously you will use a different species than what you use when you actually want to plant a single tree, the same as for willows.
But I agree, the naming of the sapling pallets might be a bit confusing since it is not specific enough (but we would have the same issue if we'd name it just willow saplings). We'll think about that how we can improve this in the future.
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