John Deere 9965 conversion

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Joined: Wed May 01, 2019 12:42 pm

John Deere 9965 conversion

Post by moonwalker_1994 »

Hi guys,

Since the release of FS19 i've been waiting for a smaller JD cotton picker mod like the JD 9965 from FS17 but no luck...since the Case cotton picker is way too big for smaller farms and costs too much, i'm looking forward to a smaller and cheaper one! Problem is that for months now i'm trying to get Giants Editor 8 to work on my Laptop to try and convert it myself for private use at least...but Giants Editor keeps on crashing every time i open it :sadnew: . Internet's solutions doesn't seem to work and yes my graphics card supports OpenGL 4.5 and above...!

So is there anyone willing to convert the John Deere 9965 from FS17 to FS19?? At least the basic staff just to get it in FS19 and i can carry on with the scripts myself! *thumbsup*

The combine i'm talking about:
