Ungetsheim map

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Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:51 pm

Ungetsheim map

Post by Fade2black »

Firstly I would like to thank the modder for such a fantastic map. It’s a beautiful map and kinda took me by surprise.
I set up my farm behind the shop and have to two dairies, one Holstien and one Ayrshire, and then maxed out my animal pens with beef units of all three breeds. I’m farming about 3/4 of the map and have ploughed fields together to make good sized blocks between the roads.
I’m using the 18m Great Plains for seeding with the E-drive laner which is perfect for 36m tramlines and fits the Horsch sprayer and Fertiliser spreader. Only snag is I’m forced to use the modded JD 7r as it’s the only large tractor with the front loader attachment for the drive laner and my fleet is Fendt. I’m hoping one day the E-drive laner mod may work on all tractors. Luckily the slot count on this map is very good.
The map has some proper grass meadows which follow the winding rivers and it just feels like a nice place to be.
Just wondered how many of you have tried this map and if not I would highly recommend it.
Right, this crop’s not gonna cut itself so better get back at it as winter is coming.

P.S. Nothing wrong with the 7r mod it’s awesome. Just like variety