Multiplayer Biogas on Dedicated server

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Multiplayer Biogas on Dedicated server

Post by Missyb »

Hi all,

Looking for some info really about the biogas plant on a dedicated server, Who actually own the the BGA if farm 3 owns the bga but farms 1 and 4 cannot tip anything into it. Who actually own the bga for the other farm to use the BGA???

Any info well be helpful..
!Warning I am dislayxic I will type how i think, if you don't understand any of it then please say!

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Re: Multiplayer Biogas on Dedicated server

Post by aklein »

Farms 1 and 4 need to be contractors of farm 3 that owns the BGA to dump into it. Farm 3 should get nightly profits from the silage sale.

There are a few ways to run a BGA in MP for sure and there are probably ways I have not thought of but one way that I have done this in the past is to run it like a business where the player that owns the BGA buys chaff from the other players at a rate per 1000L. The farmers keep track of what they are dumping in to the pit and the BGA owner pays out at the pre agreed upon rate. The BGA owner then has the task of selling his silage and of course keeping his profits. He can then sell the digestate or sell his services to apply the digestate to the other farmers fields to complete the economic full circle.
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