Courseplay does not put down headlands

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Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:14 pm

Courseplay does not put down headlands

Post by Randall375 »

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Thanks all to the folks whp helped me with my last issue. I am slowly going through the log file - I don't think I can post it here as it is 83 pages lomg.

The issue at hand now is that more often than not Courseplay won't lay low a headland. I have tried tried everything that I can without success.
As you can imagine, this creates a disaster at times (tools backing up. going out of bounds, getting stuck.) I looked in several places for information - could not anything.

I did rip courseplay out of my system - seemd better, but it's still occuring.

If you wnt my log, just say the word, tell me how and I wil upload it. (I see how to do it now).

Thanks guys, youv'e been a great help,

Thank, Randy