Fuel Tank for Pickup (playing on console)

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Fuel Tank for Pickup (playing on console)

Post by RogsR35UK »

Inevitably in trying to get the tank into the pickup bed, it fell off the forklift (bad choice of vehicle) and landed upside down and sank into the ground a bit. Finding that reset is way more confusing than it was in FS17, I tried to pick it up, but the forks went through the base of the pallet holding the tank so I couldn’t pick it up. I tried pushing it to no avail.

Out of frustration, I quit and restarted, leased a Manitou and Pallet forks (the reach option being the only way to get the tank over the correct part of the bed). I swapped to pickup with the tank in the right place and loaded it. It was then a matter of returning the Manitou and Pallet Forks.

There ought to be an easier way to load the tank surely?