Frankenstien / Lowboy / floating implements

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Frankenstien / Lowboy / floating implements

Post by SimpleFarmer »

Moderators: Feel free to comment delete this thread if it doesn't make sense, I won't mind lol.
I have had floating implements happen a few times and it really causes issues. Implements such as light trailers, windrowers, etc will float off the ground and flip the tractor over if it's also light. Once it starts happening, it doesn't stop and you therefore can't play anymore. I quit my Lone Oak game after like 120 hours because of it.
I think I found the cause, but I couldn't get it to replicate so I'm not 100% sure. I linked these two: I haven't had this happen since I last used the Frankenstien Mill Loader on that Lone Oaks save, which I bought last night and it started happening again. I sold the frankenstein and exited, when i came back in it wasn't an issue anymore. It still hasn't happened after a few hours so I think it is solved.
However, to really make sure it was the Frankenstein, i started a new test save game and bought the Frankenstein and did all kinds of light trailer pulling and no floating happened. Then it occurred to me that it happened in my last game after I had transported the Frankenstein, so I loaded it on a lowboy and drove it around a bunch, but still everything was fine. I had a lot of issues loading it when it happened so maybe the physics just broke with the whole ordeal. On my test game I just drove it on no problem, so maybe that was it. But I am done testing unless it happens again.
I still think it was something with the Frankenstein, but I am not 100% sure. I have switched to using a front loader for logs so I have my issues with it resolved (I hope), but if anyone else has noticed this or wants to try their luck at figuring it out, this is the thread.
Posts: 468
Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:03 pm
Location: Boise

Re: Frankenstien / Lowboy / floating implements

Post by SimpleFarmer »

After going on the NMC FB page, it seems like this issue is known to them, but they don't know how to fix it. What a lot of people on there were saying was that if you save, quit, and reload the game, it stops. I did this and that's why it wouldn't duplicate in the test save I did. It will stop for about an hour or so and then it starts happening again.
The cause is any of the NMC JD excavator machines, so depending on how much you want to use them, you can just reload the game when the physics breaks.
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