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Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:02 am
by Phigo
FarmDemAcres wrote: Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:11 am Hi Lis,

Thanks for creating this thread. When we read your reply in the forum Daily Updates - Mods currently in testing [Console/PC] and your only comment is "update" should we assume this is some sort of "autoupdate" or what do you want us to think? Thanks again
It means, there is an update in the original Post which means, the mods curently in testing are changed. But sometimes there are mods on the modhub without an update Information on that post.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:21 am
by Lisertan
markare wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:10 pm Hey Lis.
Just an idea, it may or may not work for you guys but here goes.

Would it be possible for someone from your team to post at the end of the week with a run down of what's been going on in the office, ie bugs being looked at, tweaks being made, progress on dlc, etc

It may help put a stop to the myth that is flying around the forum that giants no longer listen to their fanbase/customers.

The end of a working week, even if it is a bullet pointed thread with basic info, no need for full blown explanations for each thing. Just a rough idea, like xyz has been working in the bale problems and have it narrowed down hopefully a fix will be available soon, xyz has found the underlying problem with thi feature and has pinpointed a solution, etc etc ( hopefully that made some sort of sense)

On a side note, I've also seen it discussed here, how about posting in here what gets put onto discord. I pretty sure you have a lot more people that use the forums than actually use discord.
It's easy enough to copy paste what goes into discord and place it here.
Sorry for the delay guys. Busy times. However, that's exactly why we need this thread right now, so nothing gets lost.

Let's continue, shall we?

The idea sounds good on paper, but is impossible to do. I can't talk to X people in 3 different offices and get info on what they did the last week. Sorry. However, with the arrival of the new Community guy, we should see way more forum activity (we are two then after all) and this will help, I hope.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:25 am
by Lisertan
IceUul wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:02 pm Does anybody pay to other side? I mean does Giants pay to manufacturers to get they products inside the game or does
companies pay to Giants to get they products showed in the game?
I can't go into too much detail here, sorry. However, what I can say is: The partnership varies from company to company. Some are more relaxed, some have clear ideas of what should and should not happen ect. I can't talk about money (mostly because I have no idea about it either. That's way above my pay grade :D )

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:26 am
by Lisertan
leonebianco24 wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:28 pm Hi Lis! Could you know when we will have the first information for the FarmCon19? In order to organize the work and be able to come here !!
We are in the process of nailing down the location. Once that is done, we will share the news. Kinda complicated this year, but we should have news, soon(ish)

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:27 am
by Lisertan
john6430 wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:51 pm Question: You said that now in the update you can "plant" grass. But how does it work. Like a new mode in there or just automatic. And will we able to plant different crops ?
Thanks, john6430
The grass part is for the paint grass option. In a future update, you'll be able to paint grass and it will grow.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:27 am
by Lisertan
mrmayhem17 wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:45 pm hello lis,

simple question: is MF 4709 going to be uploaded as a mod for fs19?

keep up the great work BTW.

No idea, sorry.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:29 am
by Lisertan
Derekrw02 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:48 am Hello,
Do you know why Giants opted not to include seasons in the base game. I only ask because it is a big deal for a what seems like a lot of the community and real life farming literally revolves around the changing seasons.
we know how busy you are thanks a lot for opening the thread for questions we appreciate it.
Time, mostly. When seasons came out for FS17, we were already quite deep in the process for FS19 and we could not fit it into the development plan the way we would like it. Seasons, when part of the game, has to be different from the mod, we need to ensure everyone enjoys it (or can disable it). It was impossible to get that in 19 at that point in time.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:31 am
by Lisertan
racefanB1 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:20 am Hello Lisertan
I know i have heard on forums here that you are restricted on counsel on how big the maps can be and with the slot count. I have played GTA V and Red Dead 2 from Rockstar and those 2 maps are hugh and you can have so many things in them. Im just wondering why can they so big and FS for counsel is restricted.
Different tech. The main feature of our map are the fields. While GTA/RDR ect. have more or less static maps, our map needs a lot of calculation (all the fields, grow state ect.) this takes a heavy toll on the hardware and has always been the bottle neck for us.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:34 am
by Lisertan
Bluepal1256 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:22 am Hey Lisertan! I was wondering why there is no realistic beacon option on consoles. I would assume that it is a graphical hitch of some kind with consoles, but I was able to play FS17 on my laptop (which is NOT a gaming machine :lol: ) at medium settings at 1080p with the realistic beacon option on, and the beacons never affected the framerate/performance. However, I understand that the architecture of consoles is very different from that of PCs/Macs and sometimes silly things cause issues. I'm just curious as it would be cool to see realistic beacons on console. Thanks!
We played around with it A LOT during the development of FS19, because we really wanted to have them on console, however we have not been able to guarantee a stable game with them turned on, so we had to make the decision to remove that option :/

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:37 am
by Lisertan
Derekrw02 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:12 am
IceUul wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:05 am
Derekrw02 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:48 am Hello,
Do you know why Giants opted not to include seasons in the base game. I only ask because it is a big deal for a what seems like a lot of the community and real life farming literally revolves around the changing seasons.
we know how busy you are thanks a lot for opening the thread for questions we appreciate it.
It was answered already, because it was too late to implement it to FS19, game was already half done and seasons could not be implemented anymore.
My understanding is Giants has been doing this game since 2008, so it never once occurred to them in 10 plus years that seasons might be a good idea? Not trying to start an argument but I would like a no BS answer
Oh that's a total different conversation. We are here for 10 years, but the first years were only a hand full of people creating the game. We've just become a bigger company (when I arrived pretty much exactly 2 years ago, I was employee number 30, we are way above 50 now and still growing). This means more possibilities for things like seasons. We are still a young company and we are just getting started.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:38 am
by Lisertan
matejcro wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:22 pm You will add the game greenhouse, solar panels, windmills ..?
No promises, but I've seen that being requested a lot.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:38 am
by Lisertan
Roger13r wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:32 pm
matejcro wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:22 pm You will add the game greenhouse, solar panels, windmills ..?
We have solar panels! Just have to wait for windmill and green houses. Someone will mod them.

I have a Q... On the small and big pig pens. I see solar panels on the roof of the two buildings. Is it possible we can get some type of update to start earning money from these panels?
There are no plans for that afaik.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:39 am
by Lisertan
szechla wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:39 pm are there any plans to fix workshop mechanics?

it is nearly unusable as it is - imagine you have a tractor with a plow and a weight, and you want to repair them
what you have to do now is:
- drop plow near the trigger
- drive away out of range of the trigger
- walk back to the trigger
- fix the plow
- pick the plow, drop the weight
- drive away with the tractor and plow
- walk back and fix the weight
- pick the weight
- drop the plow and weight
- drive the tractor back to the trigger
- fix the tractor
- reconnect plow and weight
- Voila!

am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculously crazy?

and it could be easily fixed by simply allowing to change the selected item in the workshop menu
Will pass that one on to the devs. No idea if it will be changed.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:40 am
by Lisertan
blue_painted wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:42 pm Given that Seasons (or Seasons-alike) was not included in FS19 because FS19 was already in development, do you know when planning for FS2021 (or whatever its called) will start? And if the answer is "already" then is a Seasons-alike in that planning?
Our higher ups just started the conversation about the next game. However, that's not REALLY planning right now. The focus lies on the next patch and the fixes in there. So I can't answer that right now.

Re: [FS19] Ask Lisertan ( Questions and answers)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:41 am
by Lisertan
Chocolatecake2001 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:49 pm Do you have any plans to finally fix the bale physics? They are not heavy enough and still slide over each other like in every version of the game before this one.

I don't mind the issue being in one game but being in so many games is ridiculous for a respected developer like yourselves.

Passed that one on. No idea if we will make changes in 19 tbh.