Where to find the user specific FarmingSimulator<version> folder

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Where to find the user specific FarmingSimulator<version> folder

Post by don_apple »

The user specific 'FarmingSimulator<version>' folder contains many important files and folders of the game (the log.txt, the mods folder, the savegame folders, etc.). Depending on the OS and the version of the game it is located in different places:

Windows XP:

Code: Select all

My Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator<version>
Windows Vista / Windows 7/8/10:

Code: Select all

<your username>\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator<version>

macOS (DVD/direct download/Steam):

Code: Select all

/Users/<your username>/Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator<version>
macOS (AppStore):

Code: Select all

/Users/<your username>/Library/Containers/com.focus-home.farmingsim<version>/Data/Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator<version>

Code: Select all

/Users/<your username>/Library/Containers/com.giants-software.fs<version>/Data/Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator20<version>
For the Mac App Store version of Farming Simulator 2022 the path to the user specific folder would be:

Code: Select all

/Users/<your username>/Library/Containers/com.giants-software.fs22/Data/Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator2022
For the Mac App Store version of Farming simulator 2025 the FarmingSimulator2025 can be found at

Code: Select all

/Users/<your username>/Library/Containers/FarmingSimulator2025/Data/Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator2025
(Note: on macOS the 'Library' folder in your home folder is hidden by default. Please have a look at https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/reveal ... -in-macos/ for instructions on how to make it visible)

Apple iMac 27" (2017), Quad-Core i7 4.2 GHz, 48GB, AMD Radeon R580 8GB
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