Giants - You should be embarrassed

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Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by CTJocko »

So many bugs and issues upon release. I can understand issues related to new features in the game but you really dropped the ball in FS22. Implements that don't work, contracts you can't fulfill, fields that are mixed up, products that can't be sold... the list goes on and on.

There is a laundry list in this forum of things that never should have been there upon release. Did you not have beta-testers?

I've owned every version since FS13 and I hope this won't be my last.

And before you tell me to develop my own game, that's not what I do for a living. Giants is the expert here and I won't give them a free pass. Maybe cutting ties with Focus wasn't the best decision at this time.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by troypeel467 »

Only bug I've had so far is an issue with seeding grass with direct seeders. I've been happy with this launch, performance is way better than FS19. To be fair I haven't tried everything, so I can't speak to most of the issues in the original post, but thought I'd give my thoughts.

I'm not exactly the person to criticize too much for bugs at launch though. Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't, we should let developers know about issues in order for the game to be the best it can be, but I expect bugs in any game at launch. Personally I haven't had anything game breaking.

My major complaint is no air drills, why did the Bourgault DLC not come over? It *censored*, hopefully there was a reason, or hopefully we get a mod soon I guess.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by dan1108 »

It's not bad at all. I just wish they had a public list of bug reports reported by the user community. Nothing is worse than wasting hours, perhaps you need to restart your game from scratch, because of a "farm breaking" bug like French Map Spinnery, or the Silage Bunker bug. If you knew about those issues, then you could simply avoid those scenarios for now, and have a great time playing.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by Phi258 »

Unfortunately I've encountered a game breaking bug within one hour of buying the game. Pretty annoyed to be honest. The Haut-Beyleron map, very first field you buy, it is saying field not found with the AI and it also refuses to manually allow you to with the field too. I literally can't do anything on the field
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by Dezza69 »

CTJocko wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 2:56 am
You're a dense one, aren't you?


I take a lot more pride in my work, I guess.
... It is possible (intellectual) density of a human can be measured by their amount of claimed knowledge to a subject of which they also admit to having no expertise ...

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by jerry872 »

stay away from mack trucks till they get more tire options.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by MagicBoy »

CTJocko wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:49 pm And before you tell me to develop my own game, that's not what I do for a living. Giants is the expert here and I won't give them a free pass. Maybe cutting ties with Focus wasn't the best decision at this time.
You should be embarassed at the rude and abusive posts in this thread.

Stick to what you're good at. Constructing whingeing isn't that. I'd see a nutritionist - there appears to be too much salt in your diet.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by michele1048 »

today I asked for a refund of the money to buy a game in pre alpha version
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by Farmerdero »

Like most games these days, there will be things to fix. They cant develop a game and then test it on every form of device at the same time. They get the best version for the market available then spend the time fixing the bugs as they come in. This is how all developers work (name one game that has come out in the last 10 years that hasn't had issues) Think of all the possible combinations of GPU, CPU memory and input devices they would have to deal with. Give them time and it will come good in the end. From what I have played it has been fun.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by Nech »

I also feel a bit let down with this release. This is not a pre-release alpha for the community to try out and fault find. This is a full release and going by the bug reports of which there are many it should have been postponed until further testing was completed. I have already reported 4 bugs and I expect to report many more but I bought a game to play, not test. It feels also as if this is a step back in some regards as no new versions should be worse than the previous one with all the excellent mods that are out there. So many good mod concepts in previous versions and they still aren't implemented as a standard feature. We all love this type of game but it now feels like Giants are milking us!(pun intended).
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by TheSarkY »

I support you, its like they didnt even test game, within first 10min of playing you can find atleast 5 bugs
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by Ratomas »

First off, as a software developer myself, no amount of testing can compare to user testing. If it is that big of a problem for you to just report a bug and move on, then perhaps you should uninstall the game and burn your console/PC, because no one needs you complaining nonstop about something that just required a bug ticket.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by thegaffney »

There are some bugs, but I'm still having fun. Just thought this yesterday though, back in the NES, SNES, N64 days, imagine the testing they had to do to release games that had to be prefect from day one. No network for updates/patches. Just takes a lot of user testing BEFORE releasing it.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by Hossjb »

Farmerdero wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:59 pm Like most games these days, there will be things to fix. They cant develop a game and then test it on every form of device at the same time. They get the best version for the market available then spend the time fixing the bugs as they come in. This is how all developers work (name one game that has come out in the last 10 years that hasn't had issues) Think of all the possible combinations of GPU, CPU memory and input devices they would have to deal with. Give them time and it will come good in the end. From what I have played it has been fun.
This game was released unfinished in my opinion. More and more developers are adopting the release and fix it later attitude and it’s embarrassing. Stop being cheap and go back to proper testing and quality control.And that means multiplatform playtesting before release. Yes it takes more time but way less bugs AND much happier consumers.

And the reason it is like this is because SOME consumers have no patience and enable this attitude by saying just give them time because they wanted a game NOW, instead of waiting for it to be completed properly.
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Re: Giants - You should be embarrassed

Post by mercurae3 »

Yes, there are a lot of bugs. I've submitted 4 bug reports so far ranging from minor graphical bugs to ones that lock out entire features (the bugged trees effectively preventing forestry). But, I also trust Giants will fix them and issue patches. I do think more devs need to do better beta-testing and work out a majority of the bugs before release rather than just saying "we'll do that in post" all the time. I'm not just referring to Giants here; it has definitely become a normal part of the development cycle for much of the videogame industry because of the ubiquity of internet access and frameworks for easy post-release patches. Back to this case, the release schedule also probably wasn't the best as afaik most devs want time off after completing a big project, plus we're rapidly coming up on holiday season. With those factors and only a few dozen or so employees (69 according to LinkedIn but many are PR and Marketing, not programming or similar), I imagine that will limit their ability to respond to user issues. It further reinforces the perception from users that they don't care about all the issues if they release a buggy game then sit on their haunches, go on vacation, and say "we'll have a patch sometime next year".
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