Placeables Annoyance (Console)

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Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:03 pm

Placeables Annoyance (Console)

Post by Oddbob »

While it is nice to have a lot more options for placeables on your maps now, I find it really annoying that you can't place objects inside buildings, unless you can reach the spot you want from outside the building. As soon as the camera hits the building you can't go any further. It is also weird that you can't raise/lower objects.

Also, beyond annoying with land formation not being smooth-able once you place a building. If the building has any parts that go below the map, you get stupid jagged edges which you can't smooth for the life of you.
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Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:35 pm

Re: Placeables Annoyance (Console)

Post by adammac5858 »

As far as putting stuff inside of buildings, that is an issue I have ran into quite a bit.

When it comes to smoothing to rain after you place a building, I have learned that the closer to the edge of the building without actually touching the collision area you can get your marker the better. I've been able to smooth some things out that way, but if the collision is too far from the edge of the building you won't be able to get your cursor close enough.

Because of this I always save my game before I make any adjustments to the terrain or set a new building.
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