Direct Seeder Help/Recommendations

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Re: Direct Seeder Help/Recommendations

Post by LittleWatt »

Did a little testing on a different map. The RTK building appears to have no impact on the line of unseeded field running parallel to the direction of travel. Additionally, said parallel strip has little to do with available turn around space at the end of the field. As for unseeded perpendicular strips of land, it isn’t related to any one kind of drill. And it has nothing to do with the AI. I highly doubt they’re driving along and intermittently lifting the seeder off the field and then dropping it back down, leaving unplanted land perpendicular to the direction of travel. These spots of field left unseeded appear to be related to the fields themselves. The dips and rises, and general un-smoothness are causing these issues. In an effort to make a more “realistic” experience, we are saddled with the consequences of adding a “feature” to the game. Fans: In real life, fields aren’t smooth. Giants: Okay, make a note to make undulating, non-smooth fields in next game. So unless there is a way to make the fields completely level and smooth, unseeded sections are just going to be annoying.

I did notice an overlap when not using RTK building. In a really large field, this could equate to a full extra pass. It would take a lot of fieldwork to make up for the construction cost of placing an RTK. So, it comes down to role-play.
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Re: Direct Seeder Help/Recommendations

Post by crash »

Im pretty sure a bit of this stuff has to do with the field state layer, in lack if better words, that controls what state the field are in, and the resolution, aka grid size of the layer. This was worse before, think it got better in fs17. And im pretty sure you see its limitations on laaaarge maps, like rennebu, a 16x map i belive. You can se it on the minimap in the corner and its resolution and how the field is painted and the way the foliage on top acts. On rennebu you can have a pretty big piece of land that dobt change colour, but on the minimap its all covered.
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Re: Direct Seeder Help/Recommendations

Post by olahaldor »

There is a limit in resolution for the file that drives and displays precision farming. It is only 1K!
I can only guess at some point in designing the feature they discovered "this cannot be larger or the game will lag". Or maybe "this is good enough".

Maybe there's another reason. I can't know.

What I do know is: 1K infolayer for a 16x map is crazy lowres. Before I knew this was a limitation I upscaled it to 4k like the other Infolayers but got errors in the log and didn't work. There's no way I could have submit that to modhub, it would have been rejected.

The game also has a fallback; if the map does not provide its own infolayer for precision farming it will use one from a standard map.
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