Camera spinning

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Joined: Sat Nov 18, 2023 1:17 pm

Camera spinning

Post by Owen380 »

Hello guys.
Hooe you are all well.

Wondering if anyone can help me.
Since the latest update, my camera keeps spinning and i cant accelerate in my vehicles at all. Ive reset my key binds and closed the game and restarted, tried many solutions that i searched online and its still not fixed. Has anyone else had this problem?
It seems to be the logiteck heavy equipment steering wheel. Ita been working a gem for months but as soon as it was updated recently i cant fix the camera spinning. The game only stops and works as it should when i unplug the steering wheel.
Ive updated the logitech device and altered a few settings as was recommended on a few other posts but still no joy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Celtic Brew
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:06 pm

Re: Camera spinning

Post by Celtic Brew »

I sometimes start spinning when using super strength. One time I was holding a pallet of lettuce and let it go, That was a month or so ago and I still cant find the pallet :)
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