Consolidated Wish List

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Consolidated Wish List

Post by Helazak »

I have had the Flu since Christmas and have had a bunch of time on my hands. Which means a lot of FS22. While reading the forum I noticed a number of different threads were addressing wishes for changes to the program. Well with all these different comments in many places I decided to organize them. I used the categories in the Mod Hub just for standardization with a little extra organization.
1. Web Sites:

1.1. ModHub: Improved Search: At the Mod hub like sorting vehicles by power, etc. Also include filtering so all the searches:
- Operating Width
- Manufacturer
- Are from a specific regions so players can play a realistic version of what is available in the location like Austrailian only or Europe only.
- Crossplay
- Developer
- Beta Mods
Also include better groupings like: altered base game equipment, duplicate mods, a separate area for maps, an archive area for older versions of mods (important for console savegame issues) Information: Modhub should have adequate information on each mod. Critical basic information like: HP, capacity, working width, vehicle width (i.e. grape/olive compatible), connection type, fuel type, number of console slots. Highly recommend a standard format that must be populated. Also, a link to where the information is to use the mod. Cheat Sheet: A downloadable PDF of all the buttons to turn the lights and the wipers and the blinkers and everything. I realize that's too much to put on that menu on the screen, which is why they're not all there. But a printable "cheat sheet" would be really nice to have for those of us who want to know what all the buttons do that are available. Rating System: is currently meaningless. Remove it or make one that is meaningful. The reward system can also use some improvements. Developer Contact: Each mod should have a link to a discussion forum were users can discuss the mod and have a way for the developer to see how people are actually using the MOD and what problems they are having. Mod Bugs: Occasionally a Mod makes it to the hub that ends up being very buggy. There needs to be a way to report problems. perhaps the developer contact suggestion will fix this but there could also be a Giants reporting system if things dont get resolved. required vs recommneded: more consistency with identifying required MODs vs recommended and describing the difference. Reliable Alernate sites: Realizing that Giants is not responsible for other web sites, but the Modding community could help the users know what sites are reliable vs those that are not. It is very frustrating to not know where to go for information about a mod. Why is more information available on github vs Modhub? If github is considered an undesirable site by Giants, than the information should be on Modhub. If it is an acceptable site then have Modhub point to where the usable information is on github. What about other sites?

1.2. Forum: Improved Forum Sorting: Default settings like language so only your language shows up.
2. GAME:
2.1.1 General: Marketing: Please only release a new version if something in the engine really requires it. DLC updates are a great approach, but many of us have spent some cash on these different add-ons. If you do have to come out with a new version please try to make it backward compatible with the DLC’s. Discounts: Consider more season passes to package DLC content after they have been released for a while. Basics: Make sure the basics are solid! Finish/improve the existing functionality is the priority over new features. Selectable features: Be able to turn off unwanted features. Easy vs advanced mode. Language: Consider new languages:[/b] ie. Greek Volume: Make a independent volume level for the wind noise. Its annoying 100% of the time, all the time. Make it stop! Birds, people and cars are okay. But the wind noise is nothing more than white noise ringing thru all other game sounds. Reset: Another way to reset that does not use the map. Like maybe from the owned items menu in the store. I had a glitch send my stuff off the map and there was no way to recover it, Had to restart the game, glad I had autosave off. MOD Organization: It would be nice to be able to organize my mods. There are some I always use and some that I only use for testing. If I download a few new mods to test they are sprinkled throughout the MODS listing. I would like to be better orgainzed so I can find and easliy select what I want to use. Not just sorting but let me make different folders with different sets of mods so i can choose a group. AI Speed: synchronize AI Workers speed with time settings (x10 should allow them to terminate their work 10 times faster, for example) Helps when playing farm manager and you are literally doing nothing, waiting for fires to put out like when the AI drives into a ditch. Message clarification: Some game messages just dont match the situation. example. change the "could not find any field to work on" (free translation from French) message from IA Workers when there is actually a field but its state is not suitable for work with a given tool.
2.1.2 Multiplayer: Player statistics: It would be nice if there was a way to track how much time people have logged and what they actually accomplished. Liters harvested by them or the AI they started, Liters of product delivered, etc. And dont make it a log file but an in game screen so the server can keep track with running totals. Griefers and Trolls: More tools to help ban people who intentionally log on and ruin the map. Currently the log shows a user name, but you can't ban them unless you are on at the same time. Normally it happens over night. All the guys log off for the evening and when you log in the next day the farm is destroyed. Who logged over night, how long were they on. It would be great of there as a way to see if any thing was accomplished while they were on (see And a way to ban people.
2.2. HARDWARE: Better Steering: Steering sensitivity with using a controller on PC. If its at 50% or 200% I just need to breath on the stick and the tractor shoots off to the side. This is really bad with fast vehicles like cars.I've tried multiple controllers and it makes no difference. I've tried all the Various mods out there for better control/ Steering and none of them help. its been an issue for me since FSS19. If I plug in a Wheel its great, but I don't always have the time to drag it out of the Cupboard and spend 10 minutes setting it up. Can you implement speed based steering where the faster you are going the less effect your steering has? Steering Wheel: Improved integration of steering wheels, specifically deadcenter, tension and button mapping.
2.3. CONSOLE PLAYERS: Maps: Bigger maps for console MODS: GPS, follow me,, drive beside, bale & collect, Autodrive & Courseplay for console Follow me: Because consoles do not have anything like a follow me Mod it is very difficult to harvest carrots, parsnips, etc., without jury rigging by putting a box on top of the harvester. File names: Allow us to name our game save and thus create a new file, which is very important for console since we can't backup our saves. I like to setup a map to a certain starting point before beginning a play through, and I'd like to be able to save that point, and go back to it if I choose. Plus, there are things in the game that can ruin a save file, and so it would help if we can just create a new save when we want. The single save file per game is an odd development choice. Production: PS5Console that we are able to reorganize our production chains. And also to be able to determine where products go. example if i have 2 sugar factories making sugar, you would be able to point sugar from factory 1 to these specific production chains that need sugar, and factory 2 can send their sugar to other chains that you designate. Backward compatability: As painful as this sounds, if you are going to have a new version FS25 or something, Please abandon the old consoles. The old gear is putting handcuffs on capability that the new equipment can take advantage of. There is still FS 22 they can play. Limits: increased bale and pallet limit
2.4. PC:
2.4.0 Installation manager: It literally can take hours to install the game with all the DLCs I have purchased and get it right with everything working together. There is a proper order to do it or things just dont work. There should be an installation manager that looks for all the DLCs and manages the installation so everything is done in the proper order. Troubleshooting tool: to help understand what is happening with the game, hardware, mod collisions. Like the screen shuttering. On occasion the game gets glitchy. I don’t know how it happens, but I must reboot, and things work better. But sometimes they just don’t ever work out. I would like there to be an in-game testing area where you can press your buttons and see that the game is recognizing them. Also, in the button assignment section, it would be nice if there were an "are you sure you want to do that" warning when you assign a button that has already been assigned to another function. The game can get complicated, and a little help would be appreciated. I have had some problems with different mods that don't seem to function properly and I don’t know if the problem is the mod, my computer, the game or me. log.txt: to be closed when the game has finished writing to it, as it was a few versions ago, so that I can clear it with the game running. Triple monitor support: there are actually 2 parts of this. It is possible to play FS22 on triple monitors when you use the GPU features for creating a very wide output (nVidio Surround or AMD Infinity i think) with f.e. 7810 x 1440. In FS22, you use the same resolution and set a field of view (FOV) that matches the distance of the screen. First, the mentioned 'fish-eye-effect' that happens on all wide monitors currently. So with triples, but also with ultra-wide. It means that the visuals in the middle are (let's say) 1 pixel, then on the edges they are now stretched to a lot bigger (lets say 1.5 pixels).- It looks like a normal image, until you look properly. The second parts has to do with view of view. When we now stretch the image to full triple monitor, the left and right part of the image shows more of the side of the tractor, but it does not account for the angle of the monitors. Everything is very stretched there and the movement of the environment is faster there too. In top-class games (mostly racing games) it is possible to set the angles of the monitors and the distance the players sits to the monitor. This results in better field of view and more realistic feeling. The combination of this, on very wide screens, means you get motion (movement) sick a lot faster. Just realized there is a third part of these settings. The current FOV setting changes the distance the driver sits from the steering wheel. So when we change the FOV, we more our 'seat' back or forward. That is not a realistic change of FOV. The FOV should also impact the positioning relative to the environment in combination with the angles setting, that is currently not available. Unfortunately, the amount of people playing with triple screens (and seriously) is a lot lower than the amount of players that play the game casually on a single monitor. Also, the game developer (Giants) should not have to build the whole graphics settings part in detail, that should be handled by the GPU drivers. But settings like this are a bit more game specific, same as the base FOV setting that is available in the game. The best example I know, is how Assetto Corsa Competizione sets the triple monitors. But other racing games have similar settings, as mentioned. Another approach would be multiple windows open. Like one window for FPV driver, one for classic overhead, one for an active map menu. Regardless of how many monitors you have I can imagine a bunch of windows kind of like a security monitoring center to keep tabs on what is happening.
2.5. PERFORMANCE: Improved graphics: Generally, better visuals, better sounds. Make the sounds of the engines and equipment more realistic. ie. grain flows more naturally, and everything looks more realistic. But have an option to turn it off for performance issues. More realistic looking weather ( fs17 was still the best for me), and for more types of weather ie bring foggy days back (again in fs17), and perhaps thunderstorms or hail showers. And finally give us back the type of seasons we had in fs19. And we need turtles and turtle crossing signs;-) Icon Change: Change the white tractor and implement icon in the upper left corner. The implement turns blue when you turn it on and when you change between the selected item it goes from dull white to brighter white. It’s a little hard to tell. The difference in white is not that much. Maybe instead of white make the selected item yellow? Just something more obvious. TEXTURE versus TONE: When doing any kind of work. Planted vs. Rolled. Growing stage and adding fertilizer. Even sometimes spraying for weeds, if the weeds are a similar shade to the crop. Mulching is another good example. On all of these tasks it's often hard to see where you've been, and with no GPS I often use a worker for stuff I'd be happy to do myself if I could just SEE what was going on. When I roll a planted field, make it a shade darker (or lighter, don't care...) Fertilized? One shade darker. Mulched? Actually, the base 22 "shallow cultivated" texture would be ideal on that one. (I usually put down slurry/manure/lime before mulching for the visual guidance...) Spray for weeds? Make weeds a lighter or yellower shade by default so we can see them. Yeah, I know you can use the mini map for some of it, but that's not really immersive to me. Anyway, just my own opinion... [changes sig to "old blind guy"...] Bigger lettering in descriptions: ( I thought my tv was decent size, but I'm going to get blind in here!) Be able to set text sizes for the different messages and displays. Weather impacting tractor performance: Snowrunner like physics, get stuck in the mud if it rains a lot. In real life tractor tracks can get pretty deep and don’t usually disappear anytime soon but balanced with a feature to turn up or down the realism. Dynamic weather: Make it so rain makes puddles and ponds in valleys and make it so that crop fails where there’s too much water over time in a spot. And periodic Natural disasters; it would be realistic if we get storms and floods from time to time or even tornadoes and fires. Having to alter play because of flooded roads and water streams running through your fields. Allowing you to harvest in the rain and snow with a bug yield penalty is great, but at times there is nothing farmers can do to prevent loss due to weather. Impossible to harvest in wet weather. Water physics (need for 'sloot' and 'kanaal')
As option- Weather effects crop yields max 10% plus or min yield per season. Crops grows on average 3 seasons, (Spring, summer autumn) so max 30% bonus or reduces yields. Only when you get a real bad year, you will lose 30% of your yields (3x bad season is 3x-10%). real bad year vs real good year is 60% difference . chance of a real bad year is likely 10%, chance of real good year is also 10%, chance of normal year is 80%. You can also have a bad spring (-10%), a normal summer (100%) and a real good autumn (+10%) is also a normal growing seasons. (100%) Crop Failure: What are the most common causes of crop/germination failure? Water, pests, disease; none of which are addressed in the game. Swathing: Besides a yield boost giants would have to a implement crop moisture system for swathing to be worthwhile, it would either have to effect yield to stand in for crop quality or again crop quality may have to be another factor in sell price, i guess for simplicity the quality value would have to be averaged when mixing crops of different quality, might make it annoying to the arcade players so yet another feature that'll have to be an option Weather Reporting Importance: With dynamic weather it becomes more critical to pay attention to weather reporting. Currently you can completely ignore the weather reports and never have a problem. Irrigation system: it is surprising in a farming game that you never have to water. I can’t plant a tree and have it survive without monitoring soil moisture for the first few weeks. Not everywhere there is sufficient rain to supply the water requirements for crops, that is when irrigation is needed. Have an irrigation system to supply the crops with their different water requirements. This system must be separate from the fertilizer system and it must be possible to inject fertilizer with the irrigation system too just like in real life. Possible irrigation systems include:[/b] center pivot irrigation, drip irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and flood irrigation. If a field doesn’t already have an irrigation system installed, the player must be able to hire a company to install it or be able to install it themselves. The system must be as realistic as possible, there must be pipelines to a river or channel and pump to pump it to the fields. Damage system: ability to scratch or damage your tractor when you drive into a bridge, off a cliff or whatever but there should be a way to turn this off or set the damage sensitivity as it wouldn’t be fun for new players if they accidentally drive into a wall. Also, have the rocks cause physical wear on implements, not just paint wear. Also, equipment should have a damage effect not just tractors. Advanced maintenance system: In real life lots of farmers do the maintenance themselves, including oil changes and even engine overalls. It would be amazing in Farming Simulator if you can open the hood and do checks every 5 hours and oil changes every 10 hours for example but for the players who aren’t interested in this can pay a small fee to let a dealership do the work for them, it would be very good if you can replace literally any part on the tractor, harvester or implement. This would mean Farming Simulator is almost like a mechanic simulator but really a lot of real farmers are qualified mechanics or even non-qualified mechanics that knows everything a qualified mechanic does. Vehicle maintenance and customization cost time, maintenance bar is low, longer is to repair. Vehicle cannot be used for an x amount of time. (Example, changing tires takes 1 hour, big maintenance will take 8 hours, swapping engine takes 2 days. ) You have to plan your maintenance, because you dont want a 8 hour brake when you need to harvest. Something like this:[/b] https:[/b]// ... tle=fs2019 Down time would be a good thing to add. like for example you'll be harvesting the combine will beep an error code like in real life and there will be a set time until its up and running again, of course you can drive it still unless its engine or drivetrain related issue then you'll have to get a winch or flatbed. Also, depending on how big the problem a mechanic and truck might come out to you. Age wear effects cost (general wear), but not on short term. Failures / breakdowns in the field. Parts that fail must be replaced. Short term maintenance (farmer) - Oil, filters, cables, cleaning, wearables (cutting knives, blades), wheels. Spare parts can be bought. Professional maintenance (dealer) - Engine, gearbox, chassis, hydraulics, electronics. Damage from rough handling (bumps in street, hit buildings or cars, etc.). Not easy to repair. Flight simulator like controls: being able to sit in your tractor and control every little switch and lever just like in real life. Open windows and doors and the sunroof as well! There is a mod for FS22 called Interactive Control which really shows how good it can be. The way you get into the tractor is a bit dated. You should have the option to first open the door and climb in without teleporting into the tractor. Better vehicle smoke system: currently the vehicles don’t produce a single piece of black smoke, there are some mods on FS22 that greatly improves this but it would be very good if it is featured in the base game. It must also be connected to in which gear you are because if you have too high of a gear, you’re going to roll coal and if the engine is struggling a lot on an uphill you would likely see black smoke also. Farmer Health: The ability to eat and drink and the need to sleep. Buy food from a shop and eat it. It would be so cool while ploughing a field you can open, your cool bag and take sandwich and bottle of coke out and eat and drink while you plough or even order a pizza and get it delivered to the farm or field or a coffee, so many opportunities! This would also be very good for all of the YouTuber who does roleplays and I also like to play as close to real life as possible and I think many other players do too. Interactable objects: Be able to walk into your virtual workshop and grab a wheel spanner and a jack and change a tractor or combine tire or do anything in your workshop! And then if you need some spares you can get it delivered to your farm or you can go buy it in the dealership. This would also work for your house if you need to make a sandwich or something. NPC Farmers: Tractors with implements on the roads and in the fields, you also see the other fields are getting planted or harvested but you never see tractors with implements or harvesters doing it. It would be so refreshing and motivating to see other tractors on the road and in the field and also some activity at the dealership like tractors getting repaired or serviced and tractors and implements standing at other farms and then occasionally see them gone working a field or something. Mobile phone: Your mobile phone can be used to order spares, food or manage your workers or message or call other players in multiplayer or even play some music. Also, lots of possibilities. GoPro Drone: A camera drone would be very helpful for YouTubers to capture cinematic shots but the drone must be controllable from your virtual mobile phone or remote controller and it must have a separate video feed saving to your computer so that you can focus on working in the field. It can also be used to capture data about how your crops are growing and possibly spraying too. Supply and Demand based economy: There should be a benefit to growing rare crops and a detriment to flooding the market. Would have impact on multiplayer if you are competing with others and investigate what isn’t being grown. World events have impact on prices (economy) - News articles per month. Diesel should not be the same price all year round. There should be an incentive to “have a robust economy” where every crop and every product is being produced. More precise crop calendar: Certain crops can have multiple planting and harvesting windows. Currently there is no possibility for a second crop on a field. Free trial period: Full price refund on any equipment returned within 5 minutes real time. This goes for equipment and placeables. In real life you can look at and research a product before you buy it. In game you often don’t know if something will work until you try it out. Which means hit save, buy it and then quit and hope you didn’t forget to disable auto save. Just make it easier and give us a free trial period.
2.6. ROLE PLAYING / REALISM: Auction house: Trade with other farmers or companies, for example you can buy wheat from another farmer and then you can get it processed into flour selling it at a higher price or you can trade some wheat for bales or something like that. Again, there are really great opportunities for Giants Software. Online used equipment auctions where we can buy and sell used equipment. Trading System: This would mean you can trade your grain for bales or your eggs for grain or something like that or buy grains and other products from other farmers and players. Obvious for multiplayer. Lots of MMO’s have a trade system. Single player would be harder. See auction house. Advanced implement controls: You don’t just press a button and off you go with your combine harvester. On modern machines it is maybe like this in real life but on old combine harvesters for example you have to get out of the combine to tweak settings so you don’t lose grain. Historic: I would like to see a scenario where you start off on an old run down farm with old or even ancient equipment and work up to more modern equipment and upgraded buildings. I personally am a big fan of the forestry element and would like to see this within the forestry side also for example old log skidders or even the ability to do horse logging. Field leasing: Would be handy for people that like that start from scratch grind but can have other options in doing so. Remove Training Wheels: Let me take the risk to plant a crop out of season. If the weather holds out, I might get a crop. This will allow us to have to wait a month to plant due to weather. But when it’s too cold your crop fails. You can make silage of a failed crop with yield based on growth state. Realistic Soil Management: Improved Precision Farming, soil temp, soil moisture, seed depth, fertilizer type and time, spraying type and time, planting time, weather, etc should be real consideration, not just something that is automated and blocked if you try when its not the right time.. It should be possible to mess things up big time and fail. Add the ability to change soil by adding topsoil or organic matter like putting wood chip in the soil. Manure should give a soil change too. Add potash, It's used on a lot of farms nowadays. Precision Farming needs guidance steering:[/b] what is precision farming without that? add grapes/olives fertilization data, simplification of some existing features:[/b] cultivator, disc harrows/subsoilers, plows, more self prop sprayers/spreaders...) Real World Application: The main reason I started playing is to learn more about farming, and I have, but mostly about equipment. I want more help with the soil. My soil is horrible. I live in a forest that had land cleared to make a home. I have taken years to fix this stupid clay with organic matter, lime and supplements. I have yet to have a successful season. Growing stuff is much harder than the game makes it. Precision farming is a step in the right direction, but all fertilizer is exactly what you need. There is no mixing of needed elements. I would absolutely love to be able to input the numbers of my last soil test and then simulate my actual land in the game and figure out what I need to add and how much to get things to actually grow. Or what crops are best for my soil. As a simulator I want to simulate my problems and have this model help me with my land. The game has fertilizer; great, but what type 10-10-10 or some other mix? How many lbs per acre do I put down? What does the soil need? How much Manganese Sulfate or Boric Acid should I add? I think green houses are too easy. No more magic seed: separate seed for each crop. Aftermarket shop: I get that licensing has limitations. But once I buy it, I can do lots of modifications to my equipment. Let me customize my own stuff. Real farming means modifying your stuff. If I need something I don’t have, I can either buy something aftermarket and attach it or weld it one on myself. I bet if you got to looking brands that don’t have one, probably sell them as add-ons. Same with lights, tons of brands sell conversions to LEDs. Universal customization choices for all vehicles
A paint shop: with a standard color template. I get that some brands have proprietary colors they can't fix, but others have limited color choices. A default template would be nice. Let me change the color of anything I own. If I want a purple John Deere, that may be sacrilege, but I own it. Put a cost to it if it offends the purist. Or at least let me paint the roof with a color or a number so I can differentiate between two vehicles.
Hitches: How about installing a square receiver to the back of my vehicle whether that be a pickup or a harvester. Has anyone mentioned having ball and pintle hitches working in unison? I get it....a pintle will not connect to a ball unless you have a combo unit in real life. The way it is now, I have to cross my fingers that any future pickup mods will connect. Every vehicle should have an option of a few hitch types to add to the back. (It would be nice to add a hitch to the back of a harvester so it could tow its own header). New attachment wont fit? Off to Tractor Supply to get the right hitch and put it in my square receiver.
Light Options: I do a lot of night work and some vehicles just don't light up the surrounding much.
Horn Options: optional horn sounds Everything has an effect: There really should not be anything that you do to the ground that doesn’t have an effect on yield. It could be a bad effect. If dynamic weather is implemented then subsoilers would have a purpose in the game to help drain land. I really like the "seedbed" texture that the shallow cultivators and discs give the dirt. It would be nice to have a "seedbed" yield bonus. Doesn't have to be much, just something for incentive besides looks. Rot: Seasons should incorporate the system that when grass is cut and left for a month, it will decrease in volume and after a while disappear completely. Now you can in theory cut grass for a few times within seasons and have so much on the ground, you can build a mountain from it. That isn't realistic. The mod seasons in 19 did that great, even allowed grass to dry if it didn't rain for a day or too. Building effects: Allow houses and buildings to be entered in and visited (useful when doing RP) Geographic Weather: The Seasons mod could be enhanced to permit weather/climate/crop growth settings based on a geographical region.

2.7. AI: Better AI testing: on vehicles. Some just don’t work well. Competent helpers: to deliver goods to sell points or silos. Bales: AI workers able to do bales. (console don’t have mods to do this) Collisions: Can we please not have the helpers crashing into each other on the road. And when driving wide load equipment have the AI drive in the middle of the road an stop hitting every bridge and narrow spot. AI traffic: have to use traffic rules:[/b] Right of way, Speed limits, Overtaking of slow vehicles, Random parking events AI Manager: AI farmer managers would be fantastic if they don’t mess everything up, this will give you the ability to have a MEGA farm on single player. The AI farm manager must know where they must park what implement and if an implement that a lazy player like myself leave in a road must be moved out of the way or parked on their designated spot. For example you have 5 farms and 4 of them is run by AI farm managers and you run only 1 of them there must be a section where the AI farm manager ask you what they must plant in that field and if you tell them cultivate the crop up or whatever they must do it for you without you doing anything on those 4 farms. They must have a preset routine that they follow like feeding the animals and then harvesting, cultivating, sowing, fertilizing or whatever every day and you must only confirm when a message pops up in the right-hand corner. I don’t know if this will make the game too easy but in real life it is realistic to have farm mangers. The AI farm manager may be a not so good idea but if Giants Software can only improve the normal AI so that they never have problems that would also be more than enough. Employee System: Workers have different skill sets, not just you manually putting them in the field and hitting hire worker. It should definitely go beyond that. Better Road Decisions: It appears the AI algorithm for driving to a point first drives to the closest road to the field it is on, then considers what roads to take to the destination. However, it appears it considers all roads equally and they are not. My wife drives Semi and she has special maps that show her the roads that are capable of wide and tall loads. It might be helpful to the AI if you had two designations for highways and roads so if the equipment is wide and tall it only takes highways. on Elmcreek there are a number of constrictions that foil the AI. (narrow bridges, tight turns, construction zones in the town, etc) According to a segment on last year's farmcon, it does not consider all roads equal, but will consider the type of road. Asphalt > gravel > dirt
2.8. CROPS: Crop Modes: Crop types in four modes:[/b] Grains (seeder), Root crops (planter + ridger), Vineyard, Greenhouses. Try to put each crop in the proper mode. New Crops: Rye, linseed, Fieldbeans, alfalfa, rice, millet, Triticale, flowers:[/b] lavender, roses, tulips, saffron Millet, Onions, Lentil, peanuts, Cabbages, Spinach, Pumpkin, Clover, Garlic, Tea, and even hemp for making rope. Coffee, lemons, oranges, bananas, Peaches, nectarines, pineapples, mangos, apples and watermelons, sweet corn, green beans, peas, poppy, clover, forage sorghum. Also new equipment to handle crops that require it. You don't harvest peas, sweet corn, or green beans for human consumption with a combine. Silage: for all the new crops and impact on feeding livestock Seasonal Crops: The farmers near me will harvest one crop and then plant another and get a second harvest before winter hits. Often it is two different crops. I don’t see any two crops in the game that will let you do that.
2.9. MAP: Different regions and more maps: currently Farming Simulator is primarily based in the EU and USA, it would be fantastic if Giants Software put a bit more work into the maps and bring different regions to the game like Asia, Africa, Australia and South America. Most of the maps currently is made by modders which makes some really good maps and I respect them a lot for all the work they put into maps and mods for no cost, but it would be very nice if we could see some more official maps from Giants Software featuring different regions as well. No useless items: If I buy a field and it has stuff on it Please have the stuff work. Or at least let me have control of it. If there is a house let me sleep in it and go inside. if there is a barn let me use it. I get the concept that if I buy the field I am just going to delete the buildings and put there what I really want. But, nothing is more frustrating then a fence or a light post or building I can't remove even thought I own it. Disable map downloads:I don't like playing maps with a lot of mod dependencies because I've already downloaded a bunch of building to suit me, so when I go to download a map that has a lot of dependant mods I can't cancel all the downloads before they begin and then have to cancel the downloads individually. I would love to have the option to cancel downloads of multiple mods before they have begun including the map that is dependant on those mods in the mod hub. Also Require that a list of dependant mods to be in the description minimum or giants have the dependant mods listed in a different field in the mod hub.
2.10. GAMEPLAY: More Details: Displays should be more detailed (with map, GPS, harvest details, equipment settings) Cultivation Contracts: Please clarify what type of cultivation the contract wants. Cultivators have different effects. Depending on which one you use, you can get a cultivated state, a stubble tillage state or a seedbed state. But the contracts only say “cultivate” and if you use your own, you really don't know which type of cultivation they want. And unless you are lucky, you will have to fail the contract and hope it posts again so you can borrow what they really want. When can you use a subsoiler vs a plow? In general, better mapping of field states to the equipment needed to get those states and clear vocabulary. GPS: as part of base game Better in Game Search Capability: when looking for mods in game, in the shop Improved key mapping: It would be nice if you could (re)map controls per vehicle/vehicle type in game more freely than what's possible now. So that there would be a way to see more clearly what control inputs the vehicle/tool has and what outputs your controllers has and you could connect those as you like -- of course there has to be defaults for both inputs and outputs to provide a meaningful starting point. Financial Information: The finance screen only gives a few months. I would be perfectly happy with something outside the game like a comma separated file that appended monthly numbers. Also include individual production facility data so we know input/output and costs of each facility month by month. It’s hard to do cost benefit analysis without data. Farming is running a business and that means numbers. Farm economics reports (more info, pages, longer available (lifetime)
2.11. MENU IMPROVEMENTS: Menu hot buttons: ability to assign a specific menu to a button. Better F1 menu: There are a lot of button combinations that are “active”, but do not show up on the menu. Many tools have commands that you have to experiment with to find. Forestry harvester comes to mind. Having them on the F1 menu would be helpful. If needed there can be an F2 or F3 menu for overflow. Better menu layout: In the previous games you didn't have to cycle through mulitple tabs to get to the save or quit options and the menus were far more streamlined. Button Assignments: Let me assign a key to a menu so I can go there directly. Or let me rearrange the order of menus so I can put my most common menu items near each other. Let me assign buttons to all the screens. I have a few I go to often like Contracts and the AI map. Remove unwanted info: When it comes to the commodity price page, would be nice to click off products that you aren’t or never will be selling. Examples would be cakes and cornbread. I don’t want to see what they are selling for. I want my price sheet to have the prices of what I’m growing and selling. Shop Info: I'd also like to see all vehicles show year of manufacture in the shop menu because sometimes I just want to have all 80's or 90's themed equipment. Would save me time googling. Vehicle Order: Provide a way to change the order of the vehicles besides resetting. That would make it easier to group teams of vehicles. I have used some mods that help, but they appear to not change the actual order but make a reference list. Sometimes they conflict and I lose the ability to tab between vehicles. Font Size: I use a 32" monitor and I still have a hard time seeing the helper letters. Map menu: The growth filter currently shows growth state and ready to harvest state but does not show any status for grass. Please add grass states to this filter. I have to go visit each field to see if it is ready to cut.
2.12. USER INTERFACE: Key Mapping: All keys/actions should be mappable. Mods must use this feature always (enforced by Modhub release QA) Equipment settings selection: the current setting and the button to set it should be clearly separated. F1 shows Controls. A separate 'Info display' for current settings. Or switching between these modes with F1 off, keys, info) Mini map: shows relevant info during activity (seeding, fertilizing, mowing, etc). Like with precision farming HUD elements selectable (on/off) Movable HUD: elements position changeable. Could be like a ' widget'. Or basic ' % from the border. Interactive help: For equipment, placeables, productions:[/b] when close, an option to open a help window that shows information. How to use it, controls, settings, etc
2.13. SHOP: Search functions: Provide the abilty to search the shop and to search that list. Like the forum you can search for one word, then search that list for a second word and narrow the search. Very useful. Better categorization Also include a way to identify regions so players can play a realistic version of what is available in the location like Austrailian only or Europe only. Used: Used equipment in different section, but with the same categories (not only a discount screen) Used equipment shows wear + part replacement needs (or age) Classic equipment prices are always lower (encouragement) Filtering: When I go shopping I have a list of criteria that I am looking for but there is no way to filter things that dont meet my criteria. Provide filtering for year range (per decade), elec vs diesel vs methane, width, HP, has narrow tires, etc. It does not have to be as elaborate as Amazon but a little help please. Also provide a hide check box and a hide vs show hidden button so we can remove things from the shopping list that are not consistent with the theme we are playing. Different shops: for different stuff. Feed & Seed, Equipment Dealer, etc. (elaborated on elsewhere) Delivery Time: Provide an option to wait an amount of time for delivery. The shop will inevitably be out of stock, supply chain issues or Mars Colony probably does not have every item on hand and will have to be ordered. Or the equipment will have to be constructed with a time based on complexity or weight.
2.14. BUILD MODE: Undo function Search Roads Zoom limits (further) Building takes time:[/b] plan + place, then every day or month, the building moves to next stage (like growth).
2.15. CONTRACTS: Long Term Contracts: Starting a contract in January for selling x amount of crops before the end of by example end November. It’s up to you, on which of your own field or fields you are planting and harvesting the crops you need. A big contract can mean you have to plant multiple fields to get the amount of crops you need. example:[/b] you signed a contract to supply McDonalds with potatoes and flour for 3 months and then you will be get a better price for your product but you must have a lot so that you can supply the company for 3 months and if you can’t supply you earn a bad reputation and don’t get good contracts as a result and lose money. Or, if you get the egg and flour contract for Waffle house. Steady income but consequences if you fail to deliver. Cotton Contracts: The cotton harvesters cannot unload a half bale. So you can’t complete the contract since a % of your harvest is stuck inside the harvester. No way to complete the contract. Contract options: Contracts should be provided for more types of equipment. I have never seen a contract for a subsoiler. Contract says cultivator, but sometimes it wants a shallow cultivation other times it wants a deep cultivation. Weed contract, which type of weeder, some work some don’t. Say what you want, and want what you say. Create Contracts: Give us the chance to make a contract for an NPC to complete. Land Lease: I’m playing currently on alma and would love to get more ground. At the moment poor dairy farmer with not a lot of money. Instead of taking a cultivating contract, and then a sowing, and then a couple of fertilizer contracts for the same field - it would be awesome if there could be one big contract for taking a field in harvested state, to planted and fully fertilized state. The more work you put in, the better payment. Mulching/not mulching, 0, 1 or 2 fertilizer stages, plowed/not plowed (to prevent weeds) etc etc. This could be done with a long term complicate contract but it would be simpler if they add land leasing and keep the contracts solely for liming, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting. I'd rather sign lease contracts each year. Every January you go into a lease screen. Construction projects: Missions:
2.16. PACKAGE: More old(er), small kit: Giants has been hitting it out of the park with the older tractors compared to previous versions and I would absolutely LOVE for them to keep going down this road. I have really enjoyed using the old tractors they have put out but I really wish I didn't have to fill my mod folder just to make them my primary tractors or even useful at all really. I know its a dead horse but its my dead horse to beat. I don't even care if its Lizard, as long as its made to giants typical quality and works well with the existing small tractors. Upgrades on older machines being insanely overpriced Complete Brands: Don’t pick and choose certain models over other models for no reason at all IE the Case Line they don't have a lot just a few tractors 2 or 3 Combines 2 planters and two disks and that is it what about the Farm all Puma There plows older era tractors seeders manure spreaders and such all of the equipment they missed for example.
2.17. VEHICLES: Better manual transmission: Current manual transmission is off, and the engine braking is way too much. More realistic. In Cab Features: movable player in vehicles, like cam position, mirrors never work (they dont show what is behind you) etc. And a quick look over the shoulder function. In reality it takes forever to turn the head around in game, a quick look button will make it easier to use in-cab view. Exiting Cab: Provide the capability to exit the cab from the right side. More Big Brands: It would be nice to see more brands like Ford, Chevy, Mahindra .
2.17.2. TRACTORS:Vehicle control Functions that should be able to be used on tractors that have them such as differential lock and steering brakes(especially useful when your steer wheels are off the ground). Small Tractors: Medium Tractors: Large Tractors:
2.17.3. TRUCKS: DLC Volvo truck: weighing about as much as a full trash bag on the steering axle when pulling a loaded trailer (a standard log trailer filled to or below the red part of the bed stakes shouldn't cause this behavior under any circumstance on a properly matched truck). Rigid trucks: with swappable/configurable bodies for either a small tipper or flatbed with optional hiab/palfinger crane. this could also lead to some more powerful truck options for truck and dog/pig trailer setups in the base game. They would be half the price, power and capacity (at least of the base game semi trailers and length of flatbeds) of the semi trucks already on offer and would serve as an early truck or upgrade from the pickup trucks. HARVESTERS: FORAGE HARVESTERS: FRONT LOADERS: WHEEL LOADERS: TELEHANDLERS: SKID STEER LOADERS: FORKLIFTS: Base game needs a good standard forklift: 2.5t lift capacity, full free lift container mast with side shift, a load backrest and a set of fork extensions sitting in the yard when needed.
2.17.4. CARS: Hitches: I don't know anybody with a work truck that doesn't have a square receiver. I can go to Tractor Supply and pick up a pintle hitch for my square receiver for $150 rated for 12,000 lb. Why do all the pickups in the game only have a tow ball and can't transport equipment around? It doesn't need hydraulics or a pto, just a hitch so I can transport my combine header to a field or move an empty loader. its all about cost benefit. I don't want to use a $150k Roadrunner or a $130k Mann to shuttle equipment that a $35k truck can do.
2.17.5. Old School: Manual labor: In lots of places there is still plenty of manual labor used. In Farming Simulator, it can be used to harvest specialty crops like flowers, fruits and possibly some other special crops too. A section where you can employ employees to harvest your specialty crops would be very good as not everything can be done with machinery and in some places of the world, they even harvest wheat by hand still. Manual equipment: Man, Horse, Mule or Ox drawn equipment:[/b] Once upon a time there were no tractors.
2.18.7. ROOTCROP TECHNOLOGY: Ridge Maker Have the ridge maker provide a small yield bonus.
2.18.8. FORESTRY TECHNOLOGY: Tree Planter: There is no way to unload the current trees in the planter. How do you switch trees? You have to exhaust the palet or buy a different planter for each tree. There are two tree planter mods and they have the same problem. Please provide an unload feature. Tree Harvester: Please provide more harvesters with the following features. Currenly only 2 are capable and that includs mods.
  • Has to be able to buck and limb as well as cut down the tree.
  • Has to be able to pick up a tree that is on the ground. Assume a chainsaw has cut the tree and the harvester has to come pick it up and the buck and limb the tree. Why is this important. Because sometimes you mess up and the harvester looses grip on the tree. Now it is on the ground and you have to deal with it.
  • When you get close to a tree I want the ring to show up so I can press "o" and auto align the cut. (ok I'm lazy, but lining that thing up takes a lot of time.)
  • Has to be able to handle the width of a full grown Spruce.

2.19.1. TRAILERS:
2.19.3. STONE PICKERS: Rocks: are a thing, but every year you should get less of them and eventually none. And have them actually do damage to force you to deal with them. See damage system.
2.19.4. MULCHERS:
2.19.5. PLOWS: Chisel Plow: American style chisel plows with appropriate HP ratings
2.19.10. SPADERS:
2.19.11. SEEDERS: Older Models: Since the older tractors seem to be making their way in through mostly the modding community, I would love to see some different options for seed drills. I grew up, having to fill press drills with bags at a young age, until we got an auger on the back of the grain truck. Also having the ability to have transport mode to pull it down the road and something a little larger than 4 m would be great 30feet would be great.
2.19.12. PLANTERS:
2.19.13. ROLLERS: Grass vs seed: Currently the game is schitzophrenic regarding rolling. Why I need one big fat heavy roller for seed and a different big fat heavy roller for grass makes no sense. Example Take the base game Dalbo maxiRoll 630 Greenline which is found in Grassland Care. It is a roller, it has weeder tines you can get one with a seeder. Based on the design the weeder is before the seeder which is before the roller. I should be able to go to a field with weeds and weed, seed, and roll in one pass. Nope. I have to go get a different roller to roll after my seeding. And why would I need weeding for a seeder that can only plant grass and oilseed radish? Combine all rolling into one function at least.
2.19.14. Sprayers: Spot Spray:Give the new sprayers in the Premium Expansion the spot spraying tech option for Precision Farming users Airplanes/ Crop-dusters! self explanitory
2.19.17. SLURRY TANKS:
2.19.18. WEEDERS: Weed Surfer: Might be a bit niche, but I would love to see a weed surfer added to deal with weeds in later growth stages. Would be quite useful for an 'organic sim farmer' like myself.
2.20.1. MOWERS:
2.20.2. TEDDERS:
2.20.3. WINDROWERS: Info: Can we get a little more info on capacity for windrowers and balers. Some of the smaller balers just cant handle the amount of grass the larger windrowers pile up. But there is no capacity number to compare the two. You end up leaving a lot on he field and have to go over it again which defeats the point. A little more info would be appreciated.
2.20.4. FORAGE WAGONS: Silo support:A Forage wagon that is designed to dump into upright silos.
2.20.5. BALERS: Bale tosser: And a wagon to catch said bales.
2.21.1. ANIMALS: Improved livestock health: based on what you feed them. Protein based animal feed like legumes and soybeans etc. Include birth, death, realistic food mixture (similar to Maize Plus), sickness, where is the Vet? Realistic animal system: we all know that you can’t just have a bunch of cows and they will reproduce on their own and give cows instead of calves, you need to have a bull too! When you have 7 cows for example you need 1 bull to let the cows reproduce and then you would get calves of both male and female, the male calves in this scenario can be sold off the bat or you can feed them until they’re fully grown and sell them as bulls. I just used cattle for an example but it can be used on all of the animals. The female calves can be then become cows. More animals: the animal industry in Farming Simulator is really fun to work with and some potential money in, so I think it would be good if Giants Software can expand the animal industry my adding more animals like:[/b] Ponies, donkeys, ducks, geese, turkeys, ostriches, rabbits, goats, guinea pigs and parrots. It is also possible to farm with wild animals but I don’t know if Giants Software would look into that because it requires substantial amount of space. Meat productions: the reason why this isn’t in the game is probably because Giants Software want children to also play the game? I don’t get it, you must have an abattoir production where you can take your cattle and then you get pallets of meat which you can get processed further into ham, salami, sausage, steak or whatever, nothing wrong with that, children need to know where their food comes from. Animal Behavior: Animal behavior should be more realistic. Chickens dont sleep outside at night, they go into their shelter.
2.21.3. ANIMAL PENS: Grazing system: Let your animals graze a pasture instead of feeding them the whole time. One fourth of the Earth’s land is used for grazing animals! In Australia there is a 6,000,000-acre farm that is only used for grazing. This means that if you have 4 grass or alfalfa fields you can let cattle graze 3 of them and then you make hay from the fourth and then when its winter time you can bring the cattle to their shed or barn and give them the hay for the winter until they can start grazing again, needing to rotate around the fields/paddocks This would be best suited for beef cattle as you ideally need to feed dairy cattle for best milk production but it must also be possible with dairy cattle. It would also be very realistic if you get an application of fertilizer when you let a herd of cattle graze your grass or alfalfa field. With the option to make custom pastures, or at least, use field boundaries as pasture boundaries.
2.22.1. DOLLIES:
2.22.2. LOW LOADERS: More clarity: It’s hard to tell if a loader can handle a wide load like a John Deere cotton harvester.
2.22.3. HEADER TRAILERS: Snap: Can they all please work. Some “snap” into proper position when a header is attached. Others have no way to keep the header from falling off. Or there is no help as to what command works.
2.22.4. LEVELERS:
2.22.9. BIGBAGS: Bulk: I'd like to be able to purchase seed, fertilizer, lime, herbicide etc. in BULK, and have it be accounted for as the actual item, instead of "misc.". I typically use buying stations, some of which offer deep discounts, for convenience of bulk buying. I don't mind paying "game" rate for inputs, but I don't really want to have to haul everything on pallets and bags.
2.22.10. PALLETS:
2.22.11. MISCELLANEOUS: Trains: It would be nice to have trains and rail cars that can be bought and have your own rail line Winches: to pull other vehicles not just trees
2.23.1. SILOS: Info: On the construction screen the production facilities show what items they produce or store. But Silo's and storage bins do not. Can you please list what contents they can hold. I had to do some testing with save off to find which ones can hold woodchip.
2.23.2. SHEDS:
2.23.3. CONTAINER:
2.23.5. FACTORIES: Industrial: There needs to be a distinction between industrial productions and "artisan" productions so you can either have a factory supplying a supermarket or a baking house supplying the farm shop. Industrial production would be better those who need a large throughput and don't care for the extra gain in price because of how much product they are moving and Artisan goods take longer to produce/sell but provide the highest income. Soy: Need a production for soybeans - used to make a lot of things - soy sauce, animal feed, Tofu (yuk) but "beyond meat" is a big thing these days. Menu: More control options in the menu system. Allow filtering: so I can see only productions that are acitive. So I can only see one commodity. Allow group changes like selecting a number of commodities and setting them all to sell or distribute or activate. Some productions have 60 products and if you want to set them all to sell you have to change each one separately. Between the enter key and the arrow key that can be 280 keystrokes for a single factory.
2.23.6. SELLING POINTS: Brands: More real-life brands and companies other than tractors and implements, it would be great if there was supermarkets and coffee shops in the game like McDonalds or Walmart where you can go into and there are pedestrians buying groceries and coffee and cake.
2.23.10. Terraforming: Roads: The ability to add/remove/move roads. Also have road impact to the driving AI so they know what to drive on. And have the road show up on the map. Sometimes I plow the path of a road I want to build so the plowed Path shows up on the map. Hand/ Equipment use: Being able to dig a hole on your land and level your fields and all that sort of stuff perhaps equipment that can level property, fill in holes. Better Blending: The way the ground reacts when you "plop" an item such as a shed or barn or anything is terrible. and we need an "undo" button. The paint textures are different when we try and paint the ground than the textures that are already there in the map. It's hard to blend features I create with the map. Construction Equipment: Terraform with certain equipment. I want to buy Gravel and get a bull dozer and make my own road. Road Leveler: I want a new landscaping tool. I want it to be a vehicle that I can drive on the road, and I want it to level the surrounding land for x meters to the side of the road, so it exactly matches the road height. I am soooooo tired of trying to work out all the little bumps where the road and the land don't quite match and my vehicles have to jump the curb. Terraforming can do it, but it takes forever and is very persnickety. Paintable: fields Delete Authority: There should be nothing I cannot delete or remove on land I own. No hedges or buildings or anything that is impossible to remove. Precision Landscaping: I want to draw a streight line or use GPS because my lines stink by hand. Then there is the abilty to do shapes like a circle or octagon. Design Mode: It is very difficult to get the look you are going for. It takes a lot of time and there is no undo. If there were a design mode where you could do all your work and then hit accept or back out that would be amazing. Kind of like making a model with your archetect and then having the work done. This way you only spend cash on the difference between the old and new. There could be an estimate calculator that shows how much the change would cost. It could be based on the amount of dirt removed or added, and the number of grids effected. This would also allow for more powerful functions. Sometimes when moving a lot of dirt the most powerful features are just too slow. The work can be done by equipment and helpers. You could lease the equipment like a contract or buy the equipment and then only pay helper costs for as long as it takes to do the work.

2.24. MOD SUPPORT: MODDER Help: Allow us to tap into more of the hidden features of DLC maps. Or that they release these features under GDN or even better; make features part of the base game. From Silverrun there are three things especially I'd like to have access to, and use in my two current maps. But I can't.. It's locked away behind the DLC file. And I can't imagine having access to these functions would make the DLC sell any less, if that's the idea why it's not part of the basegame already. Those features are; - the new water with whitewater/foam shader - correctly placed and working particle emitters on placeables (currently if you have a smoke emitter in a placeable the emitter will spawn at world space 0,0,0 and not where the placeable is placed). On Silverrun the paper factory for instance has this working perfectly fine as far as I can tell. - the pallet shop, as seen at the modern sawmill in Silverrun, where you as a player can enter the sawmill and buy prefab walls, planks and beams and so on from a intuitive and useful UI. Whatever they plan for the future game, I really wish they will make these things part of the basegame. That will expand the map makers' options, no need to reinvent the wheel with custom scripts which automatically makes the map PC only. Mod Tutorials: An easy to understand and pretty thorough (in English) video series on how to learn to create mods and maps. More open access: to features that have no functionality specifically for a DLC. Such as in the Platinum DLC map Silverrun, it makes NO SENSE to lock the different shaders for low altitude clouds/fog, whitewater (including river and creek meshes) in a DLC. It should be basegame in my opinion. There's a few scripts we've seen on the developer stream used in Giants Editor which would be extremely handy to have access to, such as one where the terrain is adjusted based on an underlying mesh (the creek mesh has a mesh which adjust the terrain so the creek sits snug) and it's hard to see the transition.
Last edited by Helazak on Tue May 21, 2024 8:17 pm, edited 43 times in total.
FS22 on PC, FS14, FS16, FS20 on iPhone Not a gamer. Most gamer jargon goes over my head.
Started playing for the education about farming.

Amateur (noob) Farmer 5 mostly forested acres
Tractor: Kubota M4900 (54HP), w/ Loader bucket and forks
Attachments: log splitter, Chipper/shredder, finish mower, scrape blade, rock rake, double moldboard plow, rototiller, Garden Bedder
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by FBtheSQL »

Oh my, I have a design doc and build book to do if you're looking for something to do.
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by mydixiewrecked »

That's prob the longest single post I've ever seen in my life on any forum lol
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by Urinal2001 »

@Helazak, that post took a lot of effort and commitment, we all appreciate it.

Now.... how long before someone leaves the whole damn thing in quote when replying to you.... :lol:
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by TheSuBBie »

The underlying question has to be,

"Is it financially viable for Giants to implement any of the above list"

given the current volume of sales and profit.
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by FenlandFarmer »

Urinal2001 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:31 am @Helazak, that post took a lot of effort and commitment, we all appreciate it.

Now.... how long before someone leaves the whole damn thing in quote when replying to you.... :lol:
that is so tempting !
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by UncleRico »

TheSuBBie wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:07 pm The underlying question has to be,

"Is it financially viable for Giants to implement any of the above list"

given the current volume of sales and profit.
I would say if you don’t change anything you will eventually lose customers because why upgrade for the same game. Especially a game that leans so heavily on modded content. I would make the argument that their success and expansion in sales has been driven by innovation geared towards their customers wants and preferences.
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by Helazak »

The thing that is missing is just because somebody suggested it does not mean that many people want it. For example. just yesterday somebody asked for more house options with the ability to walk inside. well those already exist. So do i add that to the wish list or chalk it up to "problem solved."
I can say that there were items that got asked for by many people. Dynamic weather is big as is more crop types and more realistic animal care.

I do need to renumber it. I did not include categories that had no suggestions but if a new suggstion comes in for a new category then all the numbers get messed up. I either need to insert all the categories again or cut it off and say if it hasnt been suggested by now then its not popular enough to make the list.
FS22 on PC, FS14, FS16, FS20 on iPhone Not a gamer. Most gamer jargon goes over my head.
Started playing for the education about farming.

Amateur (noob) Farmer 5 mostly forested acres
Tractor: Kubota M4900 (54HP), w/ Loader bucket and forks
Attachments: log splitter, Chipper/shredder, finish mower, scrape blade, rock rake, double moldboard plow, rototiller, Garden Bedder
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by Urinal2001 »

There is also quite a few things on that list would take zero, or practically zero, effort from giants to add; A road texture. Default colour palette on every item (I'd also request that from modders for what it's worth, I've come across several implements I love but I hardly ever use as I'm needlessly fastidious about being able to match the colour with my vehicle).
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by eric21 »

You wont have mcdonalds or burger king in the game or any fast food chain, they charge alot and they are mega corperations
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by NewHollandLegend »

Definitely need a more realistic animal system. Hopefully that gets rebuilt completely.
Mcdonald’s would definitely charge an arm and a leg for a simple advertisement. Happy Farming
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by Helazak »

You couldnt have brand names (too expensive) but the concept of a fast food resturant tha you can actually walk in and order stuff from and eat and have that effect farmer health is possible. I but that would be a major endevor and would it be worth the effort? what would be the impact of not feeding your farmer? Screen goes blank with a giant "you passed out due to low glycemic level", and up you passed out on the job, tractor in a ditch , you wake up in the hospital and two days of work have passed. you just missed your harvest season.

FS22 on PC, FS14, FS16, FS20 on iPhone Not a gamer. Most gamer jargon goes over my head.
Started playing for the education about farming.

Amateur (noob) Farmer 5 mostly forested acres
Tractor: Kubota M4900 (54HP), w/ Loader bucket and forks
Attachments: log splitter, Chipper/shredder, finish mower, scrape blade, rock rake, double moldboard plow, rototiller, Garden Bedder
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by Miketeg »

Wow, what a list ! Good job to consolidate all of these posts!

Hopefully, Giants staff will take at least a little bit of time to look at it...
Has been dairy farmer - From Quebec, Canada
French is my first language, please excuse my English :-)
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by blue_painted »

I'd only add "More help for starting modders!" We seem to be losing modders and as UncleRico points out, this game relies heavily on modders, so better and more comprehensive documentation, consistent testing (I think this is already on the list) easier tools and so on.
Playing new "Beest" Intel i7-11700F with GeForce GTX 3060 and XBOX controller
also £600 laptop - AMD Ryzen 5600H with GeForce GTX 3050 XBOX controller

Dairydeere's A Guide to Finding Farming Simulator Mods - Please give this a read and help spread awareness for respectful mod downloads
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Re: Consolidated Wish List

Post by UncleRico »

blue_painted wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:41 pm I'd only add "More help for starting modders!" We seem to be losing modders and as UncleRico points out, this game relies heavily on modders, so better and more comprehensive documentation, consistent testing (I think this is already on the list) easier tools and so on.
And more in the way of the Kubota or platinum dlcs. Give modders the ability do more with dlc content. It’s awesome to get new content but *censored* waiting for the next game to see what modders can do with it.
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