What does LOD distance specifically affect? Does it also affect roads and crops/plants?

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What does LOD distance specifically affect? Does it also affect roads and crops/plants?

Post by johndc_92 »

Hello. I am aware how the foliage view distance settings will affect how far the crops are rendered. What does LOD distance setting specifically affect? Does it also affect roads and crops/plants? Or does it only affect props?

How is it specifically different from terrain LOD distance? There are some discussions I found on the internet but not very clear or specific.

I hope someone can help me with this.Thanks.
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Re: What does LOD distance specifically affect? Does it also affect roads and crops/plants?

Post by Mr_Tony_Sm »

<viewDistanceCoeff> buildings and objects. Cars, tractors etc
<lodDistanceCoeff> trees/bushes
<terrainLODDistanceCoeff> the ground, plow textures, and rocks
<foliageViewDistanceCoeff> crops, and weeds
<volumeMeshTessellationCoeff> plow animation textures you see as the ground is turned
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