New to the game and have a few questions

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New to the game and have a few questions

Post by marilyncummings »

So I bought the game a few days ago and I want to enjoy it, it seems right up my alley, but several things are just so confusing or boring that I'm really not enjoying it so far. I did the tutorial and learned how to cultivate (plough?), harvest and seed. But now I don't know what to do except more of that. I cultivated the harvested wheat (I think I could've gotten straw from it but I didn't know what to buy or if I should buy it so I just did what I was taught from the tutorial), I seeded the other cultivated field with more canola, and now I don't know what to do. Do I just wait until it's ready for harvest? Do I but another field? Should I just do contract work until it's ready for harvest?

Really, what would be super helpful is if there was some beginner-friendly video that I could follow along with to get a good understanding of the flow of the game, average things to do in a day and such. Because right now I'm very lost.

More specifically, I can see that there are lots of guides on how to do specific things, but I don't know what I should be trying to do in any given day, I don't have any goals because I don't know what to aim for. Is it just about growing and selling crops? When should I buy certain vehicles?

Thanks for any help!
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions

Post by cedricthecat »

You could try this video - Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide to Farming Simulator 22 - on YouTube. I've not watched it, but it has some positive comments!

Basically though, the beauty of FS is that you can do whatever you want! Start small, with small equipment and few fields, harvest them, sell the crop, use the money to buy more and/or bigger equipment, more fields, plough, cultivate, fertilise, sow those fields, harvest again etc. Yes, it sounds repetitive, and it can be, but it depends on how you want to look at it. If you want bigger gear from the get go, there's ways to "cheat" your money up but if you want to build up slowly, you can do that! In the meantime, you can do logging for extra money, get involved in animal husbandry, productions etc etc. Then there's all the mods you can download, hundreds of them, available on PC or console.

On top of this, there's dozens of maps you can download so you can enjoy farming all over the world. Some people like maps with huge fields where you can easily use huge equipment (usually American or Australian maps), others prefer small fields and tiny equipment (often Alpine or UK maps). Personally I like UK maps with tiny lanes but then use equipment which only just fits, just for the challenge. And don't forget, you can modify these maps by adding buildings, productions, even altering the terrain. If you are on PC there's mods like Autodrive and Courseplay, which can get very addictive. I can spend days on a new map changing the landscape and then setting up an Autodrive course, before I even think of starting to do any actual farming!

The bottom line is that the game is almost limitless, and it's up to you how you play! Of course, there's also multiplayer options available, in which case you could be involved in a game that others were "directing" which might be useful to give you some direction if you were so inclined.

Good luck whatever you do

(PS When I first started playing FS, on FS2013, I struggled even getting equipment to attach to tractors. Even when I managed it, I kept "dropping" things and getting nowhere. I spent three or four hours getting more and more frustrated and nearly gave up, but I stuck with it, got fairly proficient, and eventually it all became second nature - so the moral is, you need to stick with it!)
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions

Post by Guil »

Farming Simulator academy is a really good starting place too ... ews_id=280
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions

Post by Hendrik7716 »

If your in-game finances (or loan) allow it, get some animals!

Sheep, pigs, and chickens are fairly easy to work with, and can give you something to do while you're waiting for your crops to finish growing.
Especially sheep are a nice early-game animal to get as you can just mow grass and feed it to them, you'll pretty much always have meadow grass somewhere around the farm or on the outer edges of your fields, that type of grass can be used to feed sheep in an inexpensive way.

Another thing to do is getting bees or greenhouses, bees require no work and the basegame greenhouses only require water.
Handling and selling the pallets of produced honey and vegetables is yet another job that can keep you occupied.
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions

Post by Athelstaneford »

You've already made a good start with harvesting and sowing your first field. And yes, initially it's just harvest, sell crop, cultivate, sow, fertilize, and then wait until harvest time comes around again. Do contracts, they're a great way of learning what the different types of equipment do, and for finding your way around the map. Avoid installing mods, until you are more familiar with the game, and stick to the maps supplied in the base game at first.
The tutorials in the Farming Simulator Academy are useful, as is the in-game help section.
If you're not sure how to use a piece of equipment, take it to the field and hire a worker. Watch what they do.
As mentioned, animals are a great way to pass the time, chickens and sheep are easy and give you eggs and wool.
But be warned: it seems daunting at the start as you seem to get a lot wrong, but after you are over that initial hump, the game can quickly become addictive!
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions

Post by humbe »

There's tons of youtube content.. Though with varying degree of explaining basics. There are also many play threads in the community section with more or less explanations, but at least you see what others are doing to some degree..

There's also quite a lot of in game help and help in forum sections here, if you like to read up rather than learn as you go by testing..

As you to your specific questions:

"When should I buy certain vehicles?"
- I typically play with goal of making money, starting very low and imposing special rules on myself to make it harder to make money, in which case, you need to be careful of what you buy. Maintenance scales with purchase cost, so going cheap saves money. If you typically drive yourself and don't use helpers, you can save a lot of money on getting a tractor with all the options. Front loader, narrow tire option, enough power for all your required gear (start with smaller gear to cut down on cost and power requirements), a front PTO can be very useful.
- Many just fake in money to buy whatever they want because they find the fun in just doing the work with the machines they want to.

Doing contracts for the AI is a good way to test a lot of borrowed gear and see how things work, while actually benefiting your own gameplay by earning you money.

There's also several aspects of the game to look into.
- Arible farming
- Animal husbandry
- Production chains
- Forestry

Good luck ;D

(And if you're new to the game, i'd be careful about using mods to start with. Running mods, some of them have issues, and some of them have issues in relation with another mod. It's good to know how stuff is supposed to work, so you can idenfity that it is likely a mod issue if you have some problem)
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