WIP Map "Somewhere in Lower Saxony"

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WIP Map "Somewhere in Lower Saxony"

Post by XPModder »

Im working on a fictional map roughly situated somewhere in lower saxony, germany.

I am making this thread mainly as a place for people to request additional features or improvements to existing features.
If you have a great idea for a feature included in a map, please read this entire post and any potential other posts in this thread before posting, to ensure things dont get posted multiple times.

I am aiming for making a map that stands out from most other maps out there by doing things a bit differently than most maps.
Generally with this map for now I am going with a features over details approach. There are many very detailed maps out there and I dont think I could really top many of them when it comes to detailing. Most importantly however, I want the map to have many, many features and features are hard to add with updates later down the line, but detailing can always be done and improved.
Eg if I add additional detail by adding some objects or improving some textures in an update, that will just load in/update on existing savegames without any problem, but if I add another crop type or change the terrain in an update, it would require new savegames. I want to avoid a situation where people need to make a new savegame due to a map update and therefore want all major features to be in the first version of the map to be released.
The image is the current map visible ingame. I know it needs some work, but it works fine for now.

Planned features:
  • Unowned silos as selling stations: A silo that is not owned by a player (located on farmland that is not owned) acts as a selling (and buying?) point, so you can effectively sell your crops to other farmers. Should automatically convert to just a regular silo when bought.
WIP/completed features:
  • Many new crop types: Clover, Alfalfa, Rye, Spelt, Triticale, Millet, Onion, Lavender, Poppy, Raspberry, Carrot, Parsnip, Beetroot, Sesame (I have them in the map already, though some textures may still change)
  • Placeable Roads and Paths (Using the same placement system as fences. Done)
  • Placeable Contruction projects: Inspired by the construction projects in the forestry dlc, but used for more or less everything. Contruct new sheds, farm houses, silos, production points and more, by placing a (very cheap) construction site and delivering materials. With sufficient materials, over time, the building will be constructed bit by bit. (Technical implementation done - just need to convert/make more buildings using it)
  • All buildings (except animal dealer and vehicle shop) are placeables and can be sold (again, just need to convert basegame buildings to placeables)
  • Custom Lavender harvesting equipment (single row harvester is done, still working on 4/6 row header for forage harvester)
  • New fill types: concrete, sand, ore and metal (ore compatible with forestry dlc iron ore; concrete made with sand, stones and water and used for construction projects; ore used for metal production; metal used for construction projects; fill types are implemented, concrete production is implemented, still need to do metal production)
  • Quarry: Large placeable where stones, sand, lime and ore can be both bought and sold
  • Selectable Start (When creating a new savegame on easy mode, player can select out of a list of starting configurations. Mainly they can select what type of farm they want. Eg Cow farm, Cereal crop farm, vineyard, potato farm, etc. The choice changes the starting vehicles and placeables)
  • Fields separated from each other and from roads by hedge banks and/or drainage ditches (This is something very common where I live and I am not aware of any map that has this at the moment. Yes, it makes farming these fields more difficult, as you have to pretty much stay completely within the field boundaries, but thats how farming works irl. I know this will probably perform badly with the basegame helper system, but the helpers are somthing for giants to fix, not for me. If a helper gets stuck in a ditch, because it didnt see it and drove 5m outside the field, complain about the helper, not the map... :) )
    FYI: I havent decided if Im going to make the hedge banks placeables like fences or if Im going to raise the terrain itself...
  • Mostly small to medium fields with the ability to combine adjacent fields to make them bigger
  • A hilly/mountanous area covered in forest
  • A number of flat yards, some containing production points, the others containing farms (These plots of land will be quite expensive to buy, but will contain a bunch of farm buildings, which can be sold after buying the property, making some of the money back. This should balance out and make the empty plot cost about the same as a field of that size. There will be buildings on these plots, so they dont look empty and weird.)
A word on feature requests:
Generally more or less every feature request is welcome, but please be aware that what you send will be a suggestion. I may not be able/want to implement everything that is requested. After all, Im working on this completely on my own and in my free time and cant do everything. I want this map to be released before feburary if possible, so I dont have infinite time available.
Also, please do not request vehicles/implements. Those things are a lot of work and Id rather focus on the map itself then make some tractor/cultivator/planter/etc and additionally I am not very experienced in modelling vehicles/implements (or anything in great detail).
If you would like to see some specific machine for some specific task included in this map thats great, but Im focusing on the map itself. If you want to send me a finished, detailed and textured model of a machine or so, to be included in the map, feel free to get in touch and Ill consider it. :)


-Start selection system is now implemented
-Sesame was added as an additional new crop (It is unique as it grows during the winter. It can be planted directly after harvesting eg wheat and will then be ready to harvest early enough in spring to re-drill eg wheat after harvesting it.)
Das Universum ist unvorstellbar groß und wir sind im Vergleich dazu winzig.

Daher kann mir jemand der unter uns Winzlingen Unterschiede in Hautfarbe oder Herkunft sucht, nur Leid tun, weil seine Sichtweise so begrenzt ist!

Fremdenfeindlichkeit ist Menschenfeindlichkeit!
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Re: WIP Map "Somewhere in Lower Saxony"

Post by XPModder »

Small update:
Its been a while since I posted here, as I was busy with other things, but I have just recently started working on this map again.
I have now completed placement of the main roads and started work on some smaller paths and roads between the fields.
I have also done some more script work (mostly bug fixes and similar).
After completing the roads and paths I will have to do some minor terrain work, as placing all the roads and paths can cause some "edges" in the terrain. Then the next big step will be the drainage ditches and hedge banks between the fields.
After that it will be buildings, but one step at a time...

I will try to post here whenever I have completed another big part of the project.
Das Universum ist unvorstellbar groß und wir sind im Vergleich dazu winzig.

Daher kann mir jemand der unter uns Winzlingen Unterschiede in Hautfarbe oder Herkunft sucht, nur Leid tun, weil seine Sichtweise so begrenzt ist!

Fremdenfeindlichkeit ist Menschenfeindlichkeit!
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Re: WIP Map "Somewhere in Lower Saxony"

Post by XPModder »

Did some more work this evening and actually got one entire area very close to finished. That area is only missing a few trees and some minor detailing now!

Here is a little teaser screenshot of that area with 4 of the new crop types visible:
Das Universum ist unvorstellbar groß und wir sind im Vergleich dazu winzig.

Daher kann mir jemand der unter uns Winzlingen Unterschiede in Hautfarbe oder Herkunft sucht, nur Leid tun, weil seine Sichtweise so begrenzt ist!

Fremdenfeindlichkeit ist Menschenfeindlichkeit!
Posts: 80
Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:45 pm

Re: WIP Map "Somewhere in Lower Saxony"

Post by XPModder »

I have another progress update!
This time its a pretty big one!

I had an unexpected amount of time available this week and made great progress!
The entire map now has grass, hedge banks, paths, ditches and trees done!
Additionally I added a tunnel section where the road that connects the north-east corner with the rest of the map passes through the forest, as the forest area is quite hilly and bringing the road on top of the hill on one side and then down the other would have been a huge pain.

With all this progress, the only thing that stops the map from being technically playable currently is that there are no sellpoints for anything yet.

There are several smaller pieces that need to be done, but the next big item on my to-do list for this map is buildings.
I want every building to be placeable and I want to make a bunch of my new construction projects, so I will have to work on almost every building that goes on the map in some way.

I will start working on the simpler things like houses and sellpoints that are "just" placeables next. For those I at least only have to add some tranform groups to the i3d and make a suitable xml.
The construction projects are the ones that take a lot more time, as even converting a basegame shed into a construction project requires me to import it into blender, cut it into a whole bunch of pieces, export it again (hoping that the textures dont get messed up along the way) and then doing all the xml work...

I hope that I can make some good progress with all this as well though and can get this map to a playable state asap, so watch this thread for more updates.

Finally, here are some images of the map in its current state:
Das Universum ist unvorstellbar groß und wir sind im Vergleich dazu winzig.

Daher kann mir jemand der unter uns Winzlingen Unterschiede in Hautfarbe oder Herkunft sucht, nur Leid tun, weil seine Sichtweise so begrenzt ist!

Fremdenfeindlichkeit ist Menschenfeindlichkeit!
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