Issues with The Isolated Valley Map
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Issues with The Isolated Valley Map
When playing the Isolated Valley Map I am finding huge patches of grass which when mowed does not drop grass, many of these sections are square almost as if there were once buildings on the map which were taken off to make the new map. While there is plenty of land to get enough grass for your cattle, horses, and sheep. It sort of kills the realism and adds extra work. Is anyone else having this same issue. I originally thought one of my newer mods might be the issue but after checking on other maps that I am currently playing, this is the only map where I have this particular issue. Just looking for any help or advice if there is a way to correct it or if I need to contact the map maker.
Re: Issues with The Isolated Valley Map
Can you give an example of where such an area is located, i.e. the farmland no. and approximate position?
OK, I already found one - they seem to be easy to spot .
The probem is, that the "tipCollision" layer in this map is apparently a copy from some other completely different map and does absolutely not fit to the environment! So, it has a whole lot of areas where tipping to the ground is not possible, i.e. the mower cannot drop grass.
You could see the same if you try to unload e.g. some trailer of grain at those areas.
The same issue also applies to the "indoorMask" layer - it is also from that other map and does not fit at all.
If you run on PC and know how to use Giants Editor, you could just re-paint the layer according to your liking.
Another quick & dirty method would be to use a blank layer. But then you would practically be able to tip to ground at any place, even where it might make no sense (but in fact, that would be some realistic scenario ).
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