I am scaling a standard size map blank I created up to 4x. I resized the weight files, gdms, grles, and masks to 4096. I left the DEM standard size and increased units per pixel to 2. None of the weight files are loading and I'm getting an error they must be 8-bit single channel. They are still 8-bit. I scaled on paint.net.
What did I miss?
Weight File Scaling
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Re: Weight File Scaling
It may be some 8bit, but possibly not in the correct grayscale format.
Paint.NET is not my choice when it comes to non-RGB exports. GIMP is recommended for this purpose.
Paint.NET is not my choice when it comes to non-RGB exports. GIMP is recommended for this purpose.
Re: Weight File Scaling
Thanks Lara! I redid it using GIMP and it's working now. My last remaining error I am hunting down is:
"Trying to set DensityMapHeightUpdater collision map with invalid size (134217728 vs 33554432)"
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