Bee House and other questions please help.

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Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:13 pm

Bee House and other questions please help.

Post by tamworthleon »

Hi im Leon and New to the forum,just bought the game. I've bought 2009 and 11 when they came out. Enjoy playing them but with this new game i have a few questions if anyone can help please. My saved game is on Normal setting.
1 I bought the Bee House but the money it makes is stupid money,something like 40 grand a day! Now some might like this but is there a way to change how much money it makes cos 40g a day spoils the game alittle for me.Who needs to grow crops when you can just speed up the game and earn much money that way?
2 Crop growing times,i wish to slow this down a little. I've seem so text on the top line on the careersavegame XML doc and its set to 2,i also noticed its set to 2 on the hard game settings too. Any ideas to what would be a better figure to put in to slow the grow rate down please?
3 i Noticed with this game the crop will wither and thats an issue if you have alot of fields to attend too. Im not at the atage where i have alot of fields,just 4 but i like to do the work myself without AI help and this takes up alot of time. Anyway of removing this feature please?
And last but not least i cant install the update,I bought the game a few days ago so im wondering if its already running version 1.3,is there anyway to check what version im running? I have the UK CD version.
Sorry for all the questions but this will make the game more enjoyable for me.
Thanks Leon
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Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:25 am

Re: Bee House and other questions please help.

Post by TheDude408 »

you can always play in real time w/o time speed if thats more to your liking ... however ... you think the money u make is crazy off the bee's ... you dont wanna hear how much i make on my solar panels and windmills :-0
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Re: Bee House and other questions please help.

Post by Telate »

Patch 1.3 fixes the stupid money that is made from placeables - before the patch they give way too much money. You can slow down crop growth by hitting "esc" then scrolling over through the options, you'll have one that says "Growth Speed" - change it to slow, med, or fast depending on what you like. Crop withering isn't really a problem unless you run on 60x or 120x all the time, change the speed to real time and you'd have like 7 hours to harvest fields.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:13 pm

Re: Bee House and other questions please help.

Post by tamworthleon »

The Dude lol fair play.
Thanks Telate, i had to uninstall and reinstall the game to get the patch to work but it did this time. Will try those options.
Again,thanks guys
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