FS2013 G27 & Joy stick setting ...

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FS2013 G27 & Joy stick setting ...

Post by M&M »

FS2013 G27 & Joy stick setting ...

Well soon I`ll be setting up my Farming simulator 2013 WB Hills in her new room SIM area
that I have just finish painting down in our basement. So time to get prepare and understand the
way setting are done for to use the G27 wheel and shifter gear box unit & joy stick.

Cause at the moment and since 6 months I am playing the game with my key board as I am not
where the SIM will be fully use in her great NEW farm country environment.

This young man video shows how to do it right. He as done the hard work hours to find the way to use all
3 units devise into the SIM farm. Wow, I will sure try this way he as shown and hope I wont screw up my game
while setting up all unit devises to work together freely.

If other have done this setting befort and are making the use of it ,, show us your video on how
you have acheived this ,,, so all here can have a great walk in the park while setting all those devise up well.

As soon as I have my SIM room ready, ready, I will do the setting of my G27, joy stick and gear box unit.
