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Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:26 am
by 2Tees
Good morning guys.

I've been working at NSFG for a few weeks now and I have to say SinglePlayer is gone for me. Being at an active farm where you meet other workers and do tasks together is so much more immersion. Love how they handle things at NSFG, the boss is a boss but also listens to advice and requests. We even kept him a whole week taped to the Giants Editor bless him. This can be your home if you are into realistic farming with a bit of side fun (blocking in the bosses nice T7 so he have to move a lot of stuff before he can drive is only 1 example). Lots of factories to keep supplied and haul the goods to sell. High end mods. Many fields. A Ballymoon map like you never seen before with upgrades done to it on a weekly base. A workflow sheet where you can check what needs to be done to what field, update according so the next farmer knows what tasks to do makes it a lot more manageable for all of us.

And the end the post with some pictures.

Driving the bosses T7 to handle the bigger plough


Stacking boardspallets at the pallet factory

Loading beets for the sugarfactory

Clearing the rolling floor at the Greenhouse so production can keep going

Silage season in full swing

Getting in the harvest

Speedbaling rush, look at the sky and you know why

See you at NSFG !

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 1:47 pm
by IDC Farms
So I thought i'd share with you a small tour I recently completed of Northside Farming Groups farm to show you the extras that are on offer on this server/farm that you may not find on others.

Firstly the map below shows where our production facilities are - they are nicely laid out to allow operators easy(ish) access.


I will begin at our Greenhouses, these are not the standard houses you find as placeables - these were expertly crafted by Robbe on behalf of NSFG.

Further up the road (heading into the forest) you then find the compost plant - we produce our own soil conditioner here - very organic of us - using our straw and farm yard manure (cow and pig poo)


Coming out onto the main road you turn left (heading east) and drive along the road past the castle, passing the transport hub (our main sell point) and you come to a road on your left - its a very sharp turn - heading up this road you pass the salt yard - where we load our snow ploughs with grit in the winter to keep the roads clear.


You can also see our pallet factory in the foreground of this pic.

Driving down the road further the sheep farm is on your left, but heading further takes you to our dairy unit.


After a tricky manouver (its a tight yard with a trailer on), you head back the way you came taking a left at the end of the road, this takes you down to the roundabout - passing our brewery - which produces our famous SneakyBeaky super strength lager.


At the roundabout take the 2nd junction heading south (1st junction takes you to the machinery dealer and cardboard factory).

On this road you will pass our BGA and silage clamps (pits where I come from).


The further down the road you go you will come to the livestock auction, slaughter house and butchers.

At the end of the road make a right turning follow this road to the end and then turn left and left again (lost yet I am) anyway heading down this road you will pass the pig farm, carry on down and you come to our Bio Diesel plant - we make our own diesel from our Oilseed Rape (or Canola).


Opposite the Bio Plant we also have the sugar factory making us sugar for our dairy and treacle and bagasse (which I have learnt is simply bagless sugar)


If you are still with me do a u-turn and head back up the road you came down to the main yard, one last thing to show you - our potato wash and grader - we produce our own seed potato and sell any excess to make the Boss man happy.


And now if you have got to the end of this message and I didn't lose you along the way I'd encourage you to consider getting involved in multi play FS. It adds so much to the game - if you find the right team (which of course is NSFG) you can have a good laugh whilst playing this game. So if you are getting bored with SP I would encourage you to give MP a try.

Our server owner Ben runs a very relaxed server which we all enjoy. We have a lot going on but there are guides to tell you what is needed where. Ben is very good to us and often surprises us with some new things that he has been working on in GE. From me and the rest of the guys thanks Ben we do really appreciate the effort you put in behind the scenes.

And finally - here is one of my favourite shots (well today) of me in action.

If you want to know more drop us a line. :this:

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:48 pm
by SneakyBeaky
In other news, I've been worked like a donkey all weekend pushing a new edit out of the map to give us some much needed improved distant scenery, it really has made a difference. On top of this, I've made the map partly ready for the hose system by Wopster.  Hungup on attempting to use the manure pit method but, hopefully, we can find a way of getting it resolved in the future. Further improvements have been made to the market prices, sheep farm and bga. Also, we have me and my trusty script magician have been working on a script that has enabled us to control the clip distances of vehicles and objects within sheds. Of course, my guys are my guinea pigs for this experiment but, it has worked like a charm. The performance and fps has improved in heavily populated areas like the farm.   You'll notice that the NH starts to fade the further away you are from the shed. Really happy with this so, thank you Timothy.

Also, we've been working on the JCB to add some more life to it.  Currently, she has; a new wheel pack, mesh grill/hud, new strobes, new exhaust particle effects, new sounds, cab suspension, register plate and new lights. Although, its going to be a while before I do something like this again. Ive worked harder on this than I do at work lol.  Jack, big up for assisting in this. Your my boy!

As Iain has touched on, we are still actively recruiting despite the large influx of new and old returning members

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:20 pm
by Rad
PC spec: Nvidia Geforce GTX 980M 16GB RAM CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Why you would like to join: I've been playing FS since FS 2009 and would like to change it up a little having mainly played Single Player, Like this group I'm very into the realism aspect. I've played on a virtual farm on fs2013 and thoroughly enjoyed it, Good team player and enjoy a good laugh and a joke. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 8:57 pm
by Selick
Name: Thomas
Age: 27
PC spec:
Nvidia Geforce GTX 960
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700k CPU @4.00ghz

Why you would like to join: After playing the game with friends unmodded id like to step things up. Learn to know people that have more knowledge then me about the game and farming and learn from them.


hope to hear from you soon !

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:36 am
by 2Tees
And a blast it has been so far. My Steam hours on FS17 are getting up to 1200 and stil not bored.

Here are some shots of the last harvest days before winter

Getting in the beans, love that Lexion !

Closing the factory after a long day of work

Stalking the forager to get my own load of silage

Doing some foraging myself

NSFG allows you to do all kinds of jobs so you never get bored, at the clamp... Think I can see my house from here

Our pigs also need their maize, so not all fields are going to silage

Better not stay here, cough cough

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:17 pm
by IDC Farms
Well thats Christmas over with for another year, hopefully you all had a nice day with friends and family, received lots of lovely presents and ate your weight in turkey and chocolate and drank enough to float a ship.

So whats been happening on the farm? Well I took a week off (irl) as winter hit and left the lads to battle what seems to have been our worst winter yet for snow - with ground still frozen mid Spring.

Seasons certainly tested us giving us a very short window to get Spring crops in the ground - but once again the lads pulled together and got everything in with literally hours to spare before day 1 summer came along. Even with the run up to Christmas all the lads did a great job. Running the server in real time and not using pause when empty certainly adds realism and an extra challenge.


This summer will see a busy harvest with a good mix of crops sown (oops someone forgot to sow potatoes Shocked). Which reminds me I best get the BGA pits emptied to make way for this years maize silage. We have new silage trailers this year which I am looking forward to trying out.


Hopefully we have enough Oilseed rape to keep the refinery running all year. I know there is definately enough barley and wheat sown to keep the beer flowing.


This may be our last in game year on Ballymoon which has been a great home to us. I personally continue to enjoy playing this excellent map with the guys at Northside and it never is boring - which is odd as usually the buzz goes out a map after 1/2 in game years. But boss man Ben is planning something good for us when Oakfield is released sometime in the New Year.

So what is the secret to keeping the map from being boring? Well Ben always adds something new to the map mixing up productions etc. He also runs it fairly relaxed. We do not have pages of rules we just get asked to play as if it was our own game/farm. There is also plenty banter. We also have the scripting and modding skills of Timme, Jamespants, Trainmann and of course Compo2010 I would like to thank each of these guys for what they bring and give to us for our enjoyment adding so much more to the game that may not be available on other servers. Cheers lads.

So for all you lucky sods still on holiday enjoy the rest of the festivities and I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year and hope it is full of health and happiness.

Lang may yer lum reek.

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:05 pm
by SneakyBeaky
Hello all,

It has been a while since my last post on GIANTS forum so here we go. NSFG is still going strong and we have a great core of players whom have been with us for some time now. We are always looking to add to the group so, if you are looking for a long term home, come check us out on our fsuk thread.

Most probably wont have know this but, we are constantly testing wip mods intended for release and one of our latest test mods was the clipController script that vastly improves map performance by reducing the clip distance of any vehicle in the vehicle.xml. This includes bales. We've been testing this script thoroughly since November last year after floating the idea by my in house guru Timmiej93. This script has since been released and pinned by giants on their modding forum. If anyone is curious, I strongly recommend checking that page out.viewtopic.php?f=895&t=123399

I will leave it at that for now but, please enjoy one of my members most recently screenshots from in-game and our new yt clip. Id like to thank Mike for his first attempt at recording and editing a video. Good effort.

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:52 pm
by IDC Farms
I’ve not posted on the thread for a while.

Typical the much anticipated Oakfield map is released right at the time when real life work goes crazy - can someone please remind me why Brexit was a good idea? Anyway less politics more farming update.

Missing most of year 1 for Northside on Oakfield I really only caught up with the guys at the tail end of autumn. What a good job they had done without me. Plenty of silage and hay made, enough straw to keep our composter (monster red) well fed and sheds full of grain waiting on the right price to sell.

We have started off with modest equipment, a mix of good 2nd hand and new. Once the bank balance (or our credit rating) improves we will start to invest in newer and bigger. Well the size of some of the fields I hope we go bigger.

Oakfield certainly was worth the wait. OxygenDavid certainly pulled it off. If you ever read this thank you for all your hard work, it’s really appreciated.

So this week Ben has given us his tweaked edit. Highlights are some new sheds, production units and a council depot. I think as always the team here appreciate the hours he spends in GE for us. We don’t say thanks to him often enough (mainly because his heads big enough). But seriously what Ben can do keeps the map alive long after many would have moved on to something else. Cheers Sneaky - one day i might even buy you a pint or two.

We are always open for new team players - experienced or not. We play for fun, so if your 18+ enjoy a bit of friendly banter then give us a shout.

I thought i'd share some of my in game pictures.

Ploughing with the TW


Cultivating with the MB Trac


Loading up with Manure


Spreading Manure


Pop over and view our page on FSUK

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:42 pm
by IDC Farms
Well winter is now thankfully a distant memory here at Northside Farming Group.

Saying that winter is as busy on our virtual farm as any other season.

This winter saw us testing a new salt script written by timmiej93 which hopefully will be available for others to enjoy soon - the lads and lasses at NSFG all gave it a serious testing and thanks to seasons there was plenty snow to keep shifting.

Keeping the Oakfield roads clear of the Beast from the East's relentless snow

It was an odd year right enough, we saw ourselves ploughing, sowing and even lifting a late cut of silage in early days of winter. It really did feel like I was working on a real British farm.

Lifting grass day 1 winter

Team ploughing

We have now got ourselves a fully functioning biomass plant producing all our energy needs to run the production sites (pallets, boards, barrels and distillery). Nice addition but its a hungry beast and needs constant filling with wood chips. We went through a good number of trees this past year and we will need to get on and replant to keep the environmentalists happy.

We are now well into spring, thankfully we were able to get manure and compost out to the fields when the frost was in the ground and got that spread before the cultivations started.

Grass is coming on well we managed to get onto the fields early in spring with the slurry tankers.

Spreading Slurry

We should be ready to get first cut started very soon. We made a good lot of hay in the previous years so think everything can go into the clamp, we may even have to make some baled silage if clamps are full.

We are still actively recruiting so please drop us a message on the thread if you are interested in joining us.

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR) Oakfield Edit

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:49 am
by Bandit188
Just Recently joined NorthSideFarming group and I really enjoy the days so far got stuck into carting, feeding the cows and ferting some fields. If anyone is looking to join a decent farm. I highly recommend this one.

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR) Oakfield Edit

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:27 pm
by Scottish Farmer
Name: Keith
Age: 45
Location: Scotland

PC Spec

i7 6700K 4.00 Ghz, 16 GB RAM, Windows 64bit, Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4 GB

Internet Speed

Ping 61ms, Download 54.51Mb/s, Upload 8.25Mb/s

Have been playing Farming Simulator for many years and would like to join a like minded group of people.

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR) Oakfield Edit

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:45 pm
by Bandit188
Heading to the factories Image

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR) Oakfield Edit

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:55 pm
by SneakyBeaky
Morning folks!

So i've just pushed another update to further expand mCompany throughout the map.  We now produce our very own Oaky butter, bio fuel and fruit. I expect to hear no complaints saying there isnt anything to do :P

Lastly, we've been playing around with the customizable UK and matching trailer plates, it has again been expanded. This is a really cool feature actually. We can now randomly generate plate registration but, it will follow the format set by the dvla for Newcastle plates. What a naughty idea! Mind, the Newcastle bit may have been pushed by me for no reason what so ever  ::)
Since the first test , Led strobes have been added to the plates for night time use.
Three stages of plate. Left (unattached), middle (attached no tractor lights), right(attached, lights on)

Re: Northside Farming Group - Where sim meets reality (MR) Oakfield Edit

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:05 pm
by Scottish Farmer
Joined the group last month and have enjoyed the much more varied work along with what you normally find with the standard game. Great bunch of members who are only to happy to help with being a new member to the team. If you are looking for a well run farm with much more than what the standard run of the mill farms have to offer, highly recommended.