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Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:01 pm
by ClassicTractors
How’s the map progressing Mobias?

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:11 pm
by Juiceua83
did you stop making the map? thanks

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:29 pm
by Mobias
Hi everyone. Just updating this thread after a long while. Recently a couple of people have got in contact with me asking about whatever happened to this map. Its still on the go. I've been using my free time in the current lockdown to do a lot of work on it. From a design point of view its all done. There's 28 fields in total with 4 farms ranging from small to huge. From a gameplay point of view I like maps where you can start off small and work your way up to running a really big farm. I'm currently going around finishing off adding all the little details. It is a detailed map so that part of it is taking a lot of time. After that its a case of then making the map work and getting all the triggers functioning. Thats the bit that may end up taking me a while as I'm very much on a steep learning curve with all this.

My plan is to try and get it finished for the Autumn of this year, if real life stuff doesn't get in the way. If it looks like I'm struggling then I may reach out into the FS community to see if someone trustworthy wants to help me out a bit finishing it off.

I don't think this map will end up being for everyone. I've just tried to make a map thats a bit different to what I've seen with other FS maps, particularly US maps anyway. My big inspiration was Lone Oak. So think Lone Oak with hills. That's sort of what I've aimed for. Like with Lone Oak the map has totally open borders giving the impression of being part of a much bigger area. I really don't like map edges that are just lined with trees with not much beyond to look at. I ruins the immersion for me.

Anyway I've made a very rough 15 minute long video for Youtube so you can take a look. The description there has a bit more info.

Here's some recent screen shots. The map has changed a lot since I brought it over to FS19









Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:51 pm
by akuenzi
Well this is wonderful news! I've visited the Palouse a number of times, and your work is definitely a tribute to the area. Looks terrific Mobias, keep up the awesome work!

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:45 am
by AlbertL
I have Been trying to build a map of this are for YEARS but the magnitude of the Mods necessary compatibility to the terrain always over welled me with the next updated game release.
Here is a bit of History of my area.
Some of the most dangerous Farm ground in the United States.

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:58 am
by versatilefan2001
Yes! This is the kind of map I've been looking for since FS2013! I'm from just north of the Palouse and we still have some of those hills.

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:37 pm
by FSarndrone
:search: :hi: :shock: :shock: *thumbsup* :mrgreen:

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:08 am
by Dairydeere
As someone who lives near the Palouse region, I congratulate you in not only making a stunning version of it in Farming Simulator, but also doing it without going there in real life :hi: . Absolutely wonderful work here, I am excited to see this map at release. Let me know if you need a tester for this map, I'd be happy to help. Might even get a few ideas for a map I have started working on myself. *thumbsup* :biggrin2:

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:21 am
by Jaytal6
Looks great! I lived in Lamont, Washington for awhile so I can't wait to give it a try. I'd really like to do a map of Ephrata, Moses Lake, or my hometown Pasco.

Re: WIP. A Farm on the Palouse.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:00 am
by Thunderbird6088
Hey Mobias, I haven't seen any updates I suppose due to the release of FS22. I still play FS19 and live in the Palouse area and was very impressed seeing the progress on such a well done map.I was just wondering of you would be willing to release it. I understand if your not. Just thought I would ask, thank you.