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Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:12 pm
by FarmerEllie
The game I bought was in English, with some very important hidden aspects to it for full gameplay. Most people would throw this game to the side for something more enhanced if they only had the basic game to play. Which I'm sure Giants is very aware of, so they rely on the modders to enhance their game. While they make all the money for it, lol...great setup for them. I saw several posts on here about *thanking* the modders for the mods. If anyone owes *Thanks* to the modders, it would be Giants. Because without the mods, the game would fail in sales.
I now assume that the modders (specifically the German ones) would only expect that the German speaking community would be wanting to use their mods. I doubt that..since they throw out anything and everything hoping to get noticed and have many downloads. With the exception of just a few of the modders.
A few foreign words is a laughable's a whole page that has to be translated. And can only hope the translation makes any sense after spending hours to translate it. Yes, I now only use a English speaking modsite, but only after I have spent numerous hours translating.
Giants should be more responsible for the mods that is used to enhance their game, instead of just making the money off their game engine. Which is why many publishers don't do the same so they can be more responsible. I stand by my statement, as a new player to FS, that Giants needs to get a grasp on the modding community to ensure it's user friendly for all languages.
Obviously my expectations are to high for a German game, even tho I purchased it in the US. Lesson learned. ( Now that's some arrogance for you)


Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:56 pm
by mackintosh
Are you serious? Making money off their engine? Did you not notice the amount of content this game has? It can be played for countless hours without as much as a single mod. I played it for over 100 hours before downloading anything.

GIANTS have one of the most mod friendly policies I have ever seen. Yes, the downside might be a free for all, but I sure as hell prefer this to having the game locked down and the modding community policed in any way. Besides, they have a small modding section on their website that contains GIANTS tested and approved mods. No one is forcing anyone to download anything.

Expecting anyone who devotes their free time to create something to not only offer support but also multiple language versions borders on absurd and deserves ridicule. I have heard of entitlement, but this is downright insulting. I honestly wish I knew where you people get the nerve to even suggest it.

Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:58 am
by strudders2112
There you go again. The game you bought is in English. The content is in English and they game can be played more than adequately without any mods.

What you fail to want to accept is that nobody has to do anything for you. They do it for themselves and then the community as a whole.

Your contempt for both the modding community and Giants based on your expectations is laughable and insulting at the same time.

So let's spin this another way and perhaps you will take it onboard.

If you spent hours and hours producing something for nothing, offered it out for all to use and someone said, that's rubbish, translate it into German because I don't speak English, would you?

Also your assertion that English is somehow international should also be viewed with contempt. Just because you live in an English speaking country does not mean everybody should speak English. I take exception to that and I am British.

Go to The English mod site and post in there forum telling them they should translate their mods to German, French, Polish and see what they say.

I know what I would.

Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:33 am
by FarmerEllie
Entitlement,haha..It has nothing to do with entitlement. It has all to do with more organization, a better and enhanced modding system. You must have missed my statement that I gladly pay for my entertainment unlike most who feel they should get it for free. After I spent my $29.99, played for as you state 100 hours ( 4-5 days) which is actually all the time it takes to earn enough money to buy the most expensive equipment in the base game. Then what? You go around in circles, repeating the same process earning millions to do what with? That is why I refer to it as a game engine, exactly what it is. If you think it's anything other than that, then maybe you need to venture out a little and try a few other games. Or maybe you are employed by Giants here on the English forum to offset any negative feedback concerning the game. I say that cause I've seen your posts occasionally doing just that. If so, then I suggest you need to start *Thanking* the modders cause without them, you wouldn't have a paycheck!
I don't have contempt for modders or Giants, it is my opinion..maybe a little (that P word) that can get you on a BH, haha. But nothing else. I do enjoy the game but felt a little blindsided after spending hours playing, thinking geez there has to be more to this, going on the forum here, seeing a few references to mods, going to modhoster site(which is what I saw ref mostly) and wham..everything is in German. Oh they have that American flag you can click for English, but most mods are not translated.
So maybe a *sticky* to those English modsites on this English forum may be helpful to new players. A simple solution. Instead of just seeing references to the German ones. Oh I found the English ones, only after spending hours translating. As far as what Giants offers on their site, please...I downloaded most of them and have found none to be more useful than whats already offered in the game.
Now getting back to the mods, yes the game can be played for a very short time without them. Up until, you start getting very bored and wondering why you spent $29.99 for about 100 hours of entertainment. No challenge whatsoever. I'm not saying it needs to be locked down and policed, it just needs to be more organized, made somehow to be more user friendly for all languages. And I need to back up, it should be more on the modsites themselves to have translations set for different languages instead of putting it on the modders. A few mod sites organized by Giants for modders to use would be it.
We all have our opinions, and this is mine.. Like it or not. I'm done now before I end up on one of those BH. Haha


Oh, and Strudders, English is the international language...get over it if that offends you.

Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:45 am
by Yyrgn
It's nice to see, that also in foreign countries people are the same like in Germany :-) I'm German aged in the mid fifties and have been on many forum sites during the the past ~ 20 years and also found the same situation on German and English (written) sites: if there's something for free, people want to have, of course. If they can't get for free (as it is just for a special group of users, for example), they are complaining to be second class users. If there are errors in it, they are complaining, it doesn't work properly and expect a working tool within some hours; or they need to have in their favorite color, etc. Nobody wants to take time to learn how to fix it by themselves, it's easier to blame the modder or publisher instead of doing anything...
Yes, English is the international langauge - and it's part of school education in Germany - but do you really know, what it means? It is just enough to read the newspapers, fairly enough to follow the news on TV, but reading books or watching movies in English and get all the sense is difficult. And it's nearly imposible to be part of a group of English and/or Americans and follow conversations. I've been working in different international companies and most of time i had to ask my counterparts to speak slow, easy and without any dialect (oh man, i was struggling in Dublin and lost in Scotland) :-) Ok, i have to admit, I left school 30 years ago - and most of my friends from this time had no touch with English language anymore, they are doing already hard with reading instruction books... that's the mess with the globalisation: also in Germany you now have to read IBs, advertisements, communicate with companies outside Germany (or inside Germany, where the business language has switched to English) etc. and most people are struggling with it. But instead of learning English in their free time they are working on things, they want to have/use and where they don't need foreign languages.
So now lots of mods for LS or flight simulators are in the German sectors of the forums and therefore described in German - as they are developped by Germans...
Just some questions, you may answer by yourself: how can it be, that lots of the mods are German? Maybe there are some more German than international modders? What about the mods on international sites, which do have English description only? Who will translate for the German users? Is it up to the German users then to translate by themselves or use the Google translators or should they complain also?
I don't want to blame anybody as we are on the same side - we want to have something - but if it's not in our mothertongue, we have to decide: download and test and/or use any translator - or leave it...
Sorry, that my English is not as good as yours - it's a mixture of what i learned in school and what i learned in the years after school from English and American collegues... but i guess you will get what are my thoughts...
So have a nice day and enjoy that game - and maybe find some time to think about...and download a German mod and test it even without any English description...

Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:35 am
by viper278
I agree with you strudders2112. I was getting annoyed at these posters about getting upset because their mods weren't in English. These modders are not charging a penny for their creations. Unlike the Train Simulator seriers which can cost $5.00 to $20.00 per mod. At least here on the farm, a lot of people spent a lot of the free time making these. Give them a break. I think you non-English haters an spend a few minutes and using Gooogle Translate to add <en> descriptions in the XML files.
The thing I would like to know is how to translate the PDA entries to English. I have a bunch of fruits that are in a foreign language and like to change them to English. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.
Also... to these posters... if you don't like the mods that are in a foreign language for you, then just make the mod yourself to ease your mind. Simple as that. Just don't complain about the free stuff not to your liking.
Just take a look at the Pleasant valley 15 Map videos. I am sure these guys put in hundreds if not thousands of hours put this map together. It is amazing. They could have easily made this a stand along game worth $30-50. These guys are GIVING it to us to play.

Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:58 am
by bassaddict
viper278 wrote:I thing I would like to know is how to translate the PDA entries to English. I have a bunch of fruits that are in a foreign language and like to change them to English. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.
Exactly the same as any other texts. At least if the new fruit is registered properly. Because then you have the l10n entries for each fruit.

Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:41 pm
by Freestate Farmer
Complaining about some one else language and use English as an international language as excuse is utterly rude and disgusting my friend. Do you even know how many countries in the world don't even speak English or even heard about it? This post must be taken off!!!

Re: Everything is german!! (RANT)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:17 pm
by BG79
This isnt really a Giants issue as we're talking mostly about mods here, this is a community issue. I wonder why there isnt more of an english speaking modding community. I am skeptical that the game sells mostly in german speaking countries, it's a game on steam and I am curious of the details of their sales totals to people outside of german speaking countries as I would speculate they would total a higher amount.

I think more of an issue could be taken up with the modhoster site as their english translation option is largely useless. I also find that site tends to make my computer laggy until I do a reboot after visiting it despite using adblock and noscript. It's a shame because they seem to have the widest variety of good mods and seem to have a good description and pictures of said mod with comments, it's just a shame that I cant make any sense out of them.

Maybe doing a steam workshop integration would help? I don't know, I am hesitant about that being good because I look at Football Manager and find that the mods for that are far superior outside of the workshop. I don't know the solution, but it's really not Giant's fault that the majority of their mod creating base are german. One thing I do think they could improve upon is on their own website the mods there are badly in need of more detail and description with more screenshots. I am left guessing what the mods there do and that's just wrong.