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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:49 pm
by frankinthecity
hey everyone! i know i am a little bit late to play this but in was on special on the nintendo store and i gave it a try, it end up being a really good game!!!

i am desperate and not finding any information anywhere, for the life of me, i cannot succefully grow corn! i tried lot of water and lot of fertilizer, i am harvesting with a corn harvestor, does someone know what i am doing wrong?? i alway end up having chaff

Re: FS 3D

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:37 am
by hasab
Which equipment do you use for harvesting corn?
There are harvesters with replaceable headers one is for corn and other is for grain, like Sampo, Case, Newholland. And there is the Krone Big X which makes chaff when harvesting corn. If you can attach a tipper trailer for the corn harvester then you are using the Krone Big X.
So if you want to harvest corn to sell and not to create chaff then you have to use either the Sampo or the Case or the Newholland harvester with the corn header. And those harvesters have a built in container for grain/corn and when it is full, you need to drive a tractor attached with a tipper next to the harvester to load the grain, and then you can either sell it for the actual highest price or gather in the storage for later use.