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Getting Kicked After 1 Minute or so on a Multiplay Dedicated Server

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:33 pm
by dougie1142
HI All,

I've been searching high and low all day to try and solve this issue. Basically i setup my own dedicated server today through Multiplay and Clanforge.

I got it all setup and running, my friends can connect and keep playing but i connect and get kicked after a minute or so (almost like i'm hosting it on my own PC, but i'm not - i'm paying for a host?).

I will post the log file here, there is an error which i think relates to a mod map i'm running. I've tried changing the map on the server and everything to solve it - to no avail.
C:/Users/Douglas/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_FDR_Map_PacificInletLogging_MC/maps/map01.i3d (3023.53) ms
Error: index out of range
LUA call stack:
dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (11) : printCallstack
dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (65) : checkChildIndex
dataS/scripts/triggers/TipTrigger.lua (83) : indexToObject
dataS/scripts/triggers/TipTrigger.lua (29) : load
Index: 3
Something else worth noting is that I haven't setup any port forwarding or the likes. But then i thought I wouldn't need to given that i'm hosting it though Multiplay, or so I thought..

My game is installed on the D: drive, which is a 1tb hard drive - thats where all my steam content is kept, however my OS is on C: - where the mod folder is. Would this have any bearing on it?

Any help much appreciated!!


Re: Getting Kicked After 1 Minute or so on a Multiplay Dedicated Server

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:32 pm
by dougie1142
Update, i've tried on all servers now and get the same issue. With no errors on my log.

"You have lost connection to the server"

Re: Getting Kicked After 1 Minute or so on a Multiplay Dedicated Server

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:50 pm
by Arettia
same happens to me when i try to play with my bro

Re: Getting Kicked After 1 Minute or so on a Multiplay Dedicated Server

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:04 am
by böserlöwe
Hi, sorry for my bad english.
i will try to help as i can do.

So if you have an own Dedicated Server, which Version of FS17 is installed?
What have you use for Install this on the Server? FS from Steam or DVD Copy or Onlineload from Giants?
Have you used a diffrent Key as on your PC at Home? Or is that at Home and on Server the same Key in use?

Basicly start the Test whitout any Mods in folders, only basic Game and be sure that the FS play at Server and on your own PC.
When this is no Problem you have some Problems whith some or all mods in your Mods-Folder.
When you have the Problem to connect only at Basic Game, whithout Mods, than you have to check up the Connection Art and Hardware, Router, WLAN, DSL, Cable or somthing others...

Re: Getting Kicked After 1 Minute or so on a Multiplay Dedicated Server

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:05 pm
by steven135
i have the same problem in my own world whithoat mods, is it possible the settings from the wifi aren't good? the log says nothing.