What makes a map good?

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What makes a map good?

Post by chedly_farms »

Hello from Chedly Farms, currently based out of Felsbrunn.

On 17 I enjoyed playing the modded maps. Coldborough and Old Stream were my two favorites, and Oakfield was really awesome, but my affection is for smaller fields is what kept it from the top 2 on my list. And, when we got 19, and can I say "pre terraforming" I really got bored of the two base maps quickly. I went back to 17, but actually found myself enjoying a lot of the new things 19, brought to the table and went back to playing 19.

Fast forward to now and I have over 50 hours on Felsbrunn, and I actually really like the map. I don't see why people are bored with these maps. There are nice elevation changes, and the scenery is fantastic. And I find myself hoping that modded maps get delayed each day, because I'm wanting to see where I can take my farm of Felsbrunn. Looking to expand, and modifying fields, and incorporate livestock, is making the artist/dreamer in me engaged with this map.

That being said, I'm also looking forward to see what these talented modders bring to the table as far as maps. Smaller fields and organic farmyards has a nice charm to them.

So what do most of the players look forward to in maps? Or should I say, what makes a map, a good map to you? What makes a map a bad map? This is purely for a fun discussion. The reason I ask is because on Instagram, everyday when Giants releases a new mod, there are a ton of new comments for new maps. So my question goes out to those also that comment there, do you really dislike the base maps or are you just ready for something new?

I apologize if this seems like a lot of reading, but I'm wanting people if they are going to respond to not be a kneejerk reaction/comment, but a thoughtful discussion.
Last edited by chedly_farms on Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by ltl.vamp »

I find two big differnt types of maps, what players like:
1. A map, that is very easy to use ingame (wide spare places to turn, doesen't matter so much, how the map looks, more important to have square fields and gimmicks)
2. Realistic maps with small ways, small yards, variable fields, looking hard to Play

I'm more like you and prefer 2. like Woodshire, Oberlausitz, Altenstein and of course all maps made by BSM and BB

3. Lone Oak Farm includes 1. and 2. and this is how an American map should look and feel like IMHO
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by chedly_farms »


Altenstein, is another really nice map. There is a lot of character, but I found it maybe too small, even with the old time farming pack. But that map has some very nice charm.

Lone Oak is another farm I had lots of hours on, but I ultimately got tired of working huge fields over and over again. The little fields were nice, but I never bothered setting up a satellite farm over at the sheep farm. But yes, that map was very nice. Bill is very talented when it comes to making maps. The little details he envisions and puts into the maps really goes a long way.

And I think to a point, Giants did that for their maps in 19. Albeit maybe in ways that weren't appreciated. It's the small details that really make a map its own.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by cedricthecat »

For me, I like maps that don't have roads that have invisible force-fields, that bring you to a sudden halt when you reach the edge of the map, although AI vehicles spawn and disappear along the same roads!

Bjornholm in FS15 was my preferred map for this reason. I recently switched to FS19, buying a new PS4 to do so, and was initially disappointed so bought FS17 (which I'd missed due to previously still being on PS3). The standard maps weren't grabbing me, but then I discovered Spectacle Island, which I am currently playing and loving! You can't drive to the edges of the map so no spooky crashes into invisible brick walls :) If and when Spectacle Island appears on FS19, that'll be the point I'll probably switch to the newer game!

One thing I'd like to see on any map would be the ability to switch the pedestrians off. IMHO they add nothing, milling about aimlessly and glaring at you creepily if you dare to walk past them!
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by chedly_farms »

One of the things that really drew me in on the old stream farm, were the uneven dirt tractor paths scattered throughout the map. And the field shapes and how they all fit together made that map different than any other map.

And on Coldborough, the hedges, accredited to it being based off a real farm made it what it was. And the fields along the road to and the fields by the pig farm, were very enjoyable to work. As I said in an above post, Bill just made fun, playable, surreal maps.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by hugassi »

Oakfield with seasons was really awesome too me!
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by crash »

I tend to like smaller maps, like old stream, letton farm. Etc. I loved lone oak to, but I dident do so much fieldwork myself on it. That's why I like smaller maps, you don't get bored driving back and forth. And the two mentioned have a lot of soul to them, they feel lived in and have well used cramped up farmyard. To this date there isn't much out there for fs19 that comes even close. Bottom line is that using the in game pig/cow/horse sheds/barns/paddock will NEVER create anything unique. This new system is great to use to add to already existing maps. But creating a map from the bottom with them makes for a soulless map imo. Don't get me started on all those maps with great looking(from a distance!) farms that, when you get up to them looks like something from fs15(maybe..) and Has no function...
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by CSGamer »

I personally love maps with open scenery, since I switched over to PC I've been playing Michigan map which has lots of sell points and very nicely laid out, and clover Creek, the makers of that map did a great job of making the map seems like it goes on forever even when you somewhat close to the edge, so for me, lots of sell points, nice scenery and a bit of hills
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by cvKurt »

I like a map which inspires me to role play it... whether it's something like the FS17+Seasons Old Streams or Altenstein, where I played the role of poor, old time farmer, or FS19 Michigan, where I played the role of a farm services manager with plenty of new huge kit.

Currently I'm playing Birkenfeld an der Ostsee with older Fortschritt gear... hoping to import a Fendt or two from the West.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by chedly_farms »


I agree that the Animal Paddocks are really "vanilla". Which is probably why I found a lot of enjoyment being just a crop farmer on Felsbrunn so far.

And a cramped farmyard feels real to me. The farm I grew up working on was very small, and was cramped and tight.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by Tomazius96 »

1. It must be as close as possible to real life.
2. I like the maps with hilly areas.
3. A well detailed forest is a must.
4. Not too big farm yard, with a lot of details and working doors.
5. I like a lot of details, they add to realism and make map more live.
6. A mix of small and big fields.
7. Fields should not be square.

In FS17 I really loved Lossberg and Lone Oak by BulletBill. But there is at least 5 great other maps.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by pingu »

I don't agree with the conclusion I often see that maps with small ways/roads, small yards, and variable fields necessarily are more realistic. There are places in the world with rectangular fields, big turnrows, big farm yards and wide open roads, so maps with these features are also realistic.

I think the level of realism is more about the overall map layout (what is where, is the nature realistic, does the road network make sense, etc.) and the small details that adds a feel/patina to the environment and brings it to life.

I generally like maps with an 'open feeling' to them. Maps like Sandy Bay, The West Coast, Shamrock Valley, Ballydorn Farm. Most maps located by the sea should give me this feeling, but some still fail. Often it's because they are very flat and the sea don't add anything to the map itself during gameplay. I don't really care for maps surrounded by mountains on all side. It's just too weird to me with a small valley (almost like a bowl) that contains big farm and big fields, railroad network, small lakes, etc. despite totally encapsulated by huge mountain on all sides without any signs of any valley that connects it to anything else. One exception to this is Black Mountain that kind of make sense with its logging.

The typical UK map have small winding roads, hedges, small farms, and tons of patina (and junk...). I played Ballydorn Farm some, but to me there were some nagging details in the layout and realism that ended up annoying me too much during the gameplay. For me, maps like these walks a fine line between realism and being tedious during gameplay. I haven't really played any other UK based map. Usually it's because I like to put my mark on the farm with things like new buildings, and that can often be hard with small farms tucked away in the landscape. I also like a variety of field that cater to both doing things myself and having hired helpers. But those UK maps sure are beautiful, and I will probably (since I'm still on FS17) give The West Coast or Shamrock Valley or Blue Scar a try later this spring.

Then the 'German maps'. Often very exact and clean and tidy. There is 'ordnung' everywhere. The road networks are neatly paved and have tons of traffic sign, but sometimes a little too artificial and 'model-railroad-like' for me in the end. But some of them are very nice. I played Lossberg some and it was OK, but in the end felt a little cramped.

Then we have the big factory maps with tons of sellpoints, huge variety of crops, huge square fields. Emphasis seems to be on the selling/producing of crops/products and the landscape itself is often a little simple with houses scattered about on a flat plain, roads that seems random and often unrealistic, lack of details that creates that special feeling. Never played any of those.

I do find maps with tons of realistic features interesting, though. Stuff like factories, office hours, traffic lights, sounds - stuff that makes the place comes alive and not feeling zombie-like. I would like see much more of this on maps.

I still haven't started playing a map in FS19 (just looked around on them), but I like the general layout and ides of Felsbrunn. It actually resembles my own 'favorite' map I sketched on (one that will never be created). But a standard map for FS needs to be a little for everyone, and being playable even for someone new to FS. So it is probably a little too much 'model railroad' for me in the end and lack that special feeling that I search for.

So far in FS, Lone Oak Farm is the best map I played and the one I played the most. Not tired of it yet more than 2 months in. So much on that map just nails it for me - both aesthetically and in gameplay. And despite the farm making sense and feeling 'lived-in', it still gives me possibilities to change it with placeables and put my own mark on it.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by chedly_farms »


Lossberg was a map I wanted to start, but I never got around to it. It had a lot of nice small fields with some Big to medium sized fields sprinkled in. The farm yard was nice, and I feel it had good elevation changes. It was a pity I never did a game save on it. I probably would do one on 19 if we got one. It also had a really nice dairy fam. I feel the dairy farm was top 3 with Oakfield and Old Stream.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by Aholz89 »

In fs17 I really enjoyed Sandy Bay, West coast, The Valley the old farm and Lone Oak.

They were good maps with well thought out design and had a bit of everything.

So far I am having a blast in Ravenport and Felsbrunn. The landscaping feature is just awesome.
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Re: What makes a map good?

Post by BulletBill »

I find it hard to enjoy many maps, but that stems mostly because I am looking for that "right feeling" when playing the map.

It also doesn't help because I spend most of my time looking at where things could be improved on a map, and that often detracts from just enjoying it, which I find sad.

I often miss the days when I didn't know how to even load up GE.

For me detail is everything, but also things need to make sense. I prefer maps based on RL areas generally to fictional maps, only usually because it is hard to bring a sense of realism to a fictional map.

I dislike dead flat maps, but don't mind more open maps as long as the terrain has some variance. It should roll not just go straight. Especially in fields, having some undulating terrain makes it feel and look so much nicer.

I do often prefer maps with smaller fields, mostly as I prefer small to medium equipment. This is down to what I grew up with and worked with on the RL Coldborough Park Farm.

Most importantly though everything on the map needs to blend together.

As for a favourite map I don't have one really, not since I started modding. My own creations I particularly dislike as all I see are the faults with it.

But pre-modding Bill, I enjoyed and spent many hours on a map called "Alpental" back in FS13. I enjoyed mowing the alpine meadows and tending to my small cow herd.

I like it when the scenery is beautiful and the surroundings, sound effects all make you relax.
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