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when is this game being fixed

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:37 pm
by Wolfpack68
Well giants i will never buy one of your games early again , normally you have had a good track record but sadly you have failed this time and basically released a game costing £29.99 which is really not worth half that.
There are so many glitches in the game and bugs you shouls be ashamed to have even released it but the fact we are now over 2 months from the release date and things are still broken the sound is all over the place the bloody dog vanishes from the map not that it does anything anyway eggs still dont work correctly mp is still screwed up game crashes when it feels like as for mods you have a big list of mods but bareley release any and as of yet no mp map mods on the hub at all its a disgrace.
im assuming your busy working on fs 20 and ripping people off there aswell i have bought all previous farming sim games and dlcs but after this shambles im not sure i will bother again what seemed to be full of promise and probably still could be you are just doing nothing to sort it hell if you go on mp the free dlc doesnt even show up in the game its full of bs at the moment so when are we going to see fixes and when are we going to get the game promised and we payed for because if this is it then you should refund everyone pure shambles

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:56 pm
by Addictedtofs
Name one thing that is "completely shambles" besides forestry..

I'll wait

Protip: You can't

Inb4 The sound is horrible, that's an opinion.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:04 pm
by Aholz89
Is the Rant over? I suggest you make a thread in the bug forum instead of ranting in General Discussion. Seems like the thread is targeted against GIANTS rather than discussing something specific.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:40 pm
by The.EuroFarmer
@ OP

How old are you? By reading your post, I assume you are just a spoiled kid.

You mentioned eggs but you haven't write any specific problem you might have. For example, how many chickens you tried to raise? If you tried with 5-10 chickens, you wont see the egg cartoon/pallet to be filled in no time !

You mentioned about mp, have you checked that the server you tried your mp game is working just fine?

You mentioned about mp mods. Have you checked them?

You mentioned the game is broken, have you check it in single player mode and you still facing troubles?

You mentioned that they have a big list of mods, have you made your investigation to find out about their Modhub's policy?

Do you know that when you bought the game you bought with as it was, means without any mods from Giants? Do you know that any mods Giants will add to their Modhub is just an extra content and not because they obligated to do?

Last but not least, you should try to post with examples so everyone will understand what problem you face in order to help you out, and next time you should try posting with a polite manner.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:37 pm
by pingu
Why is it that every ranter have no clue whatsoever about grammar in the language they try to write in?

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:58 am
by thumbwiz
^^ You mean "has no clue whatsoever about grammar in the language they try to write in"

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:43 am
by TaintedBlackCat
Another day, another rant, by another random who couldn't critically analyse a piece of media to save themselves. Seriously, it's called a "paragraph", Op please consider the use of paragraphing in your future rants. We are a civilised bunch here on this forum.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:45 am
by TaintedBlackCat
"No clue what so ever in the use of grammar corresponding to the their language in which they are attempting to write in"
Sounds even more civilised😹
*edit, checking my grammar twice*

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:49 am
by AndOnTheDrums
Im sorry - the game isn’t perfect, but it’s not in shambles. I’m gaming on PS4 and havent run into anything more than sound issues (which they’re aware of) and slow traffic. The game can and certainly should continue to he improved, but if you’re experiencing a game “in shambles”, then there’s something else going on.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:32 am
by Deadeye
I'm just inspired that he was so passionate about the issues of this game that he created an account specifically to rant about them. This is getting really old, really fast. I was told in another thread a few days ago that I simply "shouldn't read it" if it bothers me, and while I try not to, It is very difficult when there are so many posts like this. Just my 2 cents

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:38 am
by Deadeye
As a follow up to my original post, I decided I was going to look at the OP's profile. His last post was on the Kuhn DLC announcing that it was a rip off. Again, that post had no real substance, and was also full of grammatical errors. So I stand corrected in that he's made two posts, both being quite unreasonable and irrational. Just look at page 2 of the FS17 Kuhn DLC announcement thread. It's about halfway down. I've come to one conclusion, and that is that this guy is purely toxic.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:52 am
by TaintedBlackCat
^^I'll say fine gentleman, on and all. Guil and the other moderators will be so proud.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:53 pm
by Smith Modding
My bible verses have done some good I see :lol:

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:23 am
by Cowboy5130
I apologize for the offensive political comment. Where I come from, that’s what we call idiots because we’re all conservative. I sincerely apologize if you were offended.

Re: when is this game being fixed

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:42 am
by TaintedBlackCat
What is a lizadtard Cowboy5130? Never heard it where I'm from.