FS19 droping to 12-15 FPS many times

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FS19 droping to 12-15 FPS many times

Post by rogeriodec »

Only for some days ago (I don't know why) many times FS19 is dropping the FPS from 60 to 12-15.

Also, I've noticed serious lags when using Ponsee ScorpionKing.

Using MSI Afterburner, I could test it better:


At the highlighted bottom graphic, the lowest FPS (14-15) is when I activated ScorpionKing.
When switching to other vehicles (including Ponsee Buffalo), the FPS is back to 60.

But also this FPS is dropping from 60 to 15 without any apparent reason.
A curious thin in the graphics is, when FPS gets low, the GPU usage is also low!

What's wrong?