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Unable to pick up cut logs (multiplayer)

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:31 am
by Michaje
PC/Mac/PS4/XB1: PS4
- Vehicle/Tool/Model/Object: Sized logs
- Issue: Cut down trees that get turned into logs unable to be picked up (1 meter length)
- Single- or Multiplayer: Multiplayer
- Steps to reproduce: Cut down big tree, cut into smaller pieces, pieces go flying everywhere when you try to pick them up
- Does it happen on a standard map without mods yes/no: Yes
- Which vehicles & machines are involved: None (unless chainsaw included for initial cutting of tree)

Have been having this issue for a little over a year. Tried on various servers, maps (modded and completely vanilla), even tried cutting tree with processor then going to pick up smallest cut pieces. Only happens when on multiplayer as single player with same game setups (modded/vanilla) works fine. Happens both when parties are on different and same internet’s. Also occurs when host of game.