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FS19 Pet Peeves (Waiting to see FS22)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:12 am
by muzickmage
I hope FS22 addresses these ideas. It would be nice to have better options.

1: Maintenance (equipment breaks down too quickly)
I'm all for fixing the vehicles and implements, and i'm happy to have this feature in the game. But holy wow it's setup so that you are nickeled and dimed every time you barely touch the equipment. This makes playing larger maps a complete headache. I shouldn't have to fix the cotton harvester 4 times just to complete 1 cotton field (larger map). Giants knows fair well that some of us like to play larger maps. Having the vehicles and equipment break down so quickly is just so unneccessary.

2: No undo option for terrain editing.
I don't even want to get started on the insane cost of editing the terrain in the first place even if you do get everything the way you want it in your first try, but when you have to add to that the fact that you can't undo any mistakes.... that it costs you maybe $80,000 to fix that little ooops when trying to raise/lower that one little area of land for your project.... I mean... geeesh.

3: Lack of base game (usable) placeables.
Giants gave us a lot of power with the new placeable system AND terrain tools. Not only could we buy new land, but also create from scratch our very own farm. Give it the look and feel we want. But of course (thinks Giants), absolutely none of us would ever want to run more than one independant farm at a time (pig farm + cow farm + grain farm) and have houses there to show working residential farming.... because, as Giants pointed out, we would only need 1 placeable house per map. So, back to downloading mods already. How else was cousin Cid going to live down the road from his sister Ester? As for the rest of the placeables FS19 came with, well, lets not talk about them lol.

4: Map Editor: (sorta)
Thanks to the addition of the placeable system and terrain tool combo, this would have been a really great time to add a blank map to the list of offered maps. Start new game, and choose your starting map..... European, Western, or Blank. For the blank map all we would have needed was a handful of placeables. A few roads, a couple bridges, a gas station or two, and the sell points. Mods would have taken care of our fussy preferences. Without the blank map idea, we are stuck with the current road system. We can't move the roads, or delete them, etc. Maybe I don't want that road cutting through that piece of land. Maybe I don't want that sell point almost directly beside my farm land. The map editor opens the door to more possibilites which greatly decreases how much time we all have to spend online looking for that perfect map..... the map we could be simply creating ourselves if we only had a blank map to start with and a good handful of placeables.