Modhub - Feature Improvements

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Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Chaki »

Greetings Modding Community,

a new Farming Simulator is coming soon and we're also looking into giving the Modhub a revision in the future. With that, we also want to hear what you kind of features and improvements you want to see in the ModHub.

Keep in mind, we probably won't be able to work all of your feedback into the Revisions and it might also take several months or not even in 2022. We want to see what you all view as improvement worthy so we can better check what we need to prioritize.

I also ask that this thread doesn't devolve into discussions, and we will clean it up accordingly. So i recommend using the Edit button instead of doubleposting. :)


Grüße Modding Community,

ein neuer LS kommt bald und damit schauen wir uns auch ein bisschen die Zukunft des ModHubs an. Kurzgesagt: Wir wollen hören was für Features und Verbesserungen ihr euch für das ModHub wünscht.

Beachtet, dass wir wahrscheinlich nicht jeden Wunsch einbauen können und das es Monate dauern kann bis wir das angehen, es könnte sogar noch nicht in 2022 stattfinden. Wir wollen dennoch jetzt schon fragen was für euch wichtig ist, damit wir dann, wenn wir die Arbeit angehen auch entsprechend unsere Prioritäten besser setzen können.

Ich bitte auch den Thread möglichst nicht in Diskussionen vertiefen zu lassen, wir werden also auch entsprechend sauberhalten. Der Editier Button ist hier euer Freund. :)
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by ltl.vamp »

Ah... da war doch was:

1. Please seperate Modspace for maps and the rest on consoles: it's clear, that a console can handle only a limited space for one game, we call it slots. BUT for one playing game we can use only ONE map. I know the modspace is restricted by the consoles producers, but would be nice to download more and bigger maps and to use the limited mod space only for the rest of the mods.

On the other hand, would be nice to download everything and to get only ingame the message, that I couldn't buy an item, because all slots are full.

2. Would be nice to download automatically missing/deleted mods starting a(n old) savegame and for a second or first step to choose mods to delete to don't get in trouble with slots/modspace.

3. Even better: to choose ingame in the shop to download or to delete mods. But this would not be possible on older consoles, they need everything before loading a savegame.

Thank you for your attention! Lg

Edit: Thread ist zwar für Modder, aber es gibt ja auch uns dankbare Anwender. :blushnew:
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by don_apple »

From a users perspective I think one useful improvement would be to be able to provide feedback (bug reports, suggestions for improvements/changes) on mods directly in the ModHub (either in-game or on the ModHub web site) which then also get forwarded to the creator of the mod.

As far as I can see the current method of reporting issues for mods from the Modhub by creating a thread in specific sections of the forum (which only exist in the german and english sections) doesn't really work, since a lot of the modders who publish mods on the ModHub don't actually have an account in this forum, and even if they have an account some of them rarely visit the forum and check if an issue has been reported for their mod.

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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Bersson »

Create a BETA section (last I saw BETA mods on the modhub was back in the FS15 days.)

Here, aspiring modders can get their feet wet. It can also serve as a “Plan B” for modders who can’t get their mods accepted for inclusion in the official modhub.
  • The requirements for getting a mod included should be much more relaxed than what it is for the “Gold-Hub.”
  • The BETA section does not have to be connected to the game. Instead, BETA-mods can be downloaded from the website (sorry, console players.)
  • Perhaps it can be somewhat managed by the community, with volunteers testing and accepting mods?
I believe it would work very well with the feedback/bug report feature suggested by don_apple above :wink3:
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Derplodactyl »

My own opinions are to;

> Drop the duplicate rule mod, or make it more consistent. For example, a tractor which has significant changes to its model (from EU to US specifications, or similar vehicles with similar purposes, but slightly different models) should not be classed as the same mod. Create a set of clearer, easy to follow, objective guidelines, which cannot be deviated from or left open to interpretation. Or, let there be a sensible number of duplicates (perhaps up to 3-5) and allow the player to decide which they prefer. Equally, a "mod race" to be the first to get that thing only encourages lower quality mods to be thrown together and uploaded ASAP, where they may/may not update it later. Whilst I totally understand the reasoning behind the rule, I believe that the negatives which come alongside outweigh the positives it brings.

> Drop the rating system. They aren't an accurate representation, and the system is too easy to abuse. Modding groups who have a hefty following can easily cause drama via social media outlets and the end result can cause ratings to drop significantly below what they should be. Bundle that with potential trolling of groups who don't like certain styles of mods, and you get high quality mods rated poorly. It lowers a modder's willingness to send a mod via ModHub, leaving 3rd party sites to host the mods and flourish.

> Bring back the "beta" category. Imo, mods which lack the absolute finesse required, but ultimately function correctly in game should not be held back because the translations are not entirely correct, a texture flickers slightly, a harmless collision is missing, or another minor, non-game breaking issue is present. Apply with a "Beta" category which players can download at their own risk, with the understanding the some issue may remain. For the modder, as an incentive to fix the issues, any MH rewards could be held until such time the errors are fixed, and the mod can leave the "Beta" category.

> Improve the Search function. Currently, the results can vary wildly and not really narrow down the results as it searches for the term in the mod title and also the description. Alter this so that it only searches for key words within the title. As an example, go to the Modhub website and type "Stone Valley" in the search bar.
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Pappy_Tractor »

Add a "favorite" or prefered mods section, where WE can select which mods are our favorite, so we can find them easily latter if we had to uninstalled them (console space).
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by BulletBill »

1. Show each mods total downloads, and allow the modhub to be filtered/organized by different categories, such as most downloaded.

2. Scrap the rating system, it's still open to abuse and rarely reflects how good a mod actually is.

3. Scrap "Top" mods, these mods seem to only ever be given to modders who have friends within the modhub testers and is incredibly biased. The vast majority of "top" mods don't even meet the requirement set by GIANTS to qualify for a top mod. It causes nothing but contention and division.

4. Scrap the Modhub reward system, far too many modders choose to upload mods of poor quality quickly to earn more reward money. Instead allow modders to add a paypal donate link which is linked to there modders name on Modhub. If people want to show appreciation they can, but then the main incentive of modding on Modhub won't be money. It would shift the focus to better quality mods.

5. The Search feature needs a massive overhaul, you can enter a word and it returns with dozens of mods that don't even remotely match your search.

Maps - Split them up into categories, region, type etc.

Equipment - Allow it to have filters so you can search for a particular sized equipment. 2m, 3m, 4m, etc.

6. Please invest in more oversight and better training with your Modhub testers, they have a global reputation of being biased, rude, and incredibly inconsistent.
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by RollinD20 »

1. I'd like to see mods broken down into more categories and maybe subcategories... Particularly with placeables. Late in the games cycle when there gets to be tons of mods it can be difficult and a little overwhelming to go through and find exactly what you're looking for.

2. It would be nice if there was a better way to browse all available mods by a specific modder. Like maybe if the larger more prominent modders could eventually get their own "store front" page or some such which can showcase all of their most popular mods.

3. Rather than a rating system which gets abused far too easily I'd rather mods be rated by the number of people who actively USE the mod... Not only number of downloads. UT if possible have it take into account the number of people who download and then continue to use it (not sure if this is possible)

4. A more efficient way to clean up and remove unwanted mods... Maybe just a large list of all installed mods that you can quickly scroll through and check boxes to remove the mods similar to the screen you see before loading a map. Same for mass updating mods.
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Baker I.M. »

How about
1 multiple mod collections.
You will still have to keep the slot count in acount.
But you than kan make a corn collection, logging collection, a rollplay collection or even a mate's multiplayer collection.
And you can select one of them before you Start a map.

2 filter options in the hub so you can search more presice to find a mod.
Espeally in big tabs like pack and other this could help allot

3 the option to mark favorites and a favorited tab to find them.

Mabe a bit like my nr 3.
A remove or dont show me option.
You can mark mods that you wont use or dont like and mod hub wil not show them in the hub
This might Speed up the loading time too

5 download or delete multiple mods at once.

6 instead of nr 1 a one kick mod load option where you can make various lists and download the whole thing at once.
Combine this with a delete all option and a send list option for multiplayer this would make multiplayer more accesseble and faster to set up

Hope it helps .
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by LuRcHiSbAkEd »

I would love to see multiples of the same mod "counted" or grouped instead of showing each individual tree you placed it could show the tree icon with a 6 count in bottom.

The ability to filter results: by width or fill type "grain, silage, LIQUIDS!!!" it can be so frustrating to look for a liquid tanker that carries multiple liquid types and not be able to find it because it got put in crop protection, or slurry because it carries multiple fill types...

In-game Modhub could really use a * or a section for newly installed mods that you can see in-game, somewhere I can easily find the 3 new mods I just added ( just like how the newly updated mods are displayed in modhub.

I would love to be able to see in the in-game Modhub for consoles display which mods ARE CURRENTLY IN USE IN YOUR SAVE GAMES. Like some check mark showing that you're using this mod, because when I want to download a new map and get new mods for it it can be very tedious checking which ones are in use in game and which can be deleted. This could be displayed in both the loading screen for your save game and the in-game Modhub.

We also really need an INGAME search function for the mods
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Felsbrunn »

Ich würde es begrüßen wenn es eine Art Filteroption geben würde wie zum Beispiel bei Excel.

Plug: bis 3m / bis 6m ... / Anzahl Downloads / Top
Karten: 1x / 4x / 16x / Anzahl Downloads / Top

Weiterhin würde ich es gut finden im Modhub direkt ein Feedback an den Modder zu geben.
Die Vorgabe der 5 Sterne finde ich persönlich zu starr / und unfair . Allein schon aus Respekt an die Modder die dies in ihrer Freizeit machen. Bestes Beispiel Autodrive 3,5 Sterne ? Ein Eimer bekommt 4 Sterne. Dazwischen stecken hunderte Arbeitsstunden.
Ein Vergleich der Sterne ist eben nicht möglich.
Das ist doch ein Schlag ins Gesicht eines Modders. Wenn ich so schon schlecht bewerte sollte ich es auch Begründen müssen.
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by blue_painted »

A lot of what has already been said but I'm repeating here:

1. Discontinue the rating system -- it is too objective. Replace with a download count, checked against remote IP

2. Consistent categories; e.g. Small tractors are up to 100hp, medium tractors 100 to 300hp, large tractors over 300hp -- category applied/enforced by GIANTS

3. Add a mechanism to contact the modder from modhub

4. Look again at "required mods" so that downloading the required mods is *suggested* but not enforced, and explain to modders that "required" isn't the same as "recommended"

5. Order the categories by some known criteria; e.g. list categories alphabetically

This isn't modhub, it's about in-game mod management:
1. Search for an installed mod to select it for a saveGame

2. Different ordering for the installed modlist - in particular install date, so that new ones are easy to find.

3. Mod-groups, so that we can have "standard mods I use for all games"

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Dairydeere's A Guide to Finding Farming Simulator Mods - Please give this a read and help spread awareness for respectful mod downloads
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Derplodactyl »

The discussion.above about the required mods for maps is a very good point I failed to mention as well.

With the exception of some PC players, who's storage isn't necessarily limited, per sé, but for console users and for PC players who only have small hard drives, these mods take up incredibly valuable and finite space.

If you want to get really particular and paranoid about it, some could easily use it as a way to boost modhub downloads. Create a map and use lots of assets which are separate mods and then require the user to download them. A limit of how many could be "required" would work well here.

Here's a couple of examples (not saying these are to boost downloads); ... tle=fs2019 ... tle=fs2019
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by Tomrgaming »

Now (especially on consoles) when you want to join someone and you don't have all the mods installed, You have to get back to the modhub, search all the mods and download them individually. It would be a nice feature if you get the alert "not al mods installed" and then get a button to automatically install al the missing mods. And if there dlc's in there or something paid get a separate alert for that. But make it so all the free missing mods get automatically installed by pressing a button when you get the allert.

Also a nice feature for ingame modhub.
Make us sellect multiple mods if we wan't to uninstall something. Especially on consoles this can be very annoying when we need to free up space..
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Re: Modhub - Feature Improvements

Post by MrHector »

I think, for sure the search should be a bit better - currently when you put in some word you very ofthen get stuff that has nothing to do with that word you put in (e.g. You put in John Deere but still get various stuff which has noting to do with it lika a map...) Maybe add in some sort of filter option, where you can pick category to search in only and stuff like: search the required text in the title only or full - including description and so on.

Another thing that bothers me a little, also includes clarity, is that some moders put mods into catogory where it has nothing to do, So this could be checked a bit better in the future. It is again hard to find stuff you want like this. Just an example i did as of writing this reply:

I opend this gameplay category on the modhub page ( ... lay&page=0)

and alongside various scripts and so on, stuff which this category is for obviously, just on first page i also got stuff like:
Polish Potato Box: ... tle=fs2019
or Egg crate: ... tle=fs2019

Just for an example, this stuff has nothing to do in gameplay catoegory in my opinion.
Last edited by MrHector on Sat Jul 03, 2021 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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