Constructive feedback thread for FS22

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Re: Constructive feedback thread for FS22

Post by Vermonter42 »

Maple Orchard-

Hey guys. New to the thread and just recently picked up FS22. Been plays FS a while and got pretty excited as a Vermonter when I saw they had maple syrup production! Lol it’s a big deal to us here! XD anyway I thought it was great but had a few adjustments I’m sure developers could use in an update or maybe next FS game coming from an actual sugar maker and FS fan.

First thing, water. I get why it’s required for an input but you shouldn’t HAVE to truck water. If it rains in game that should be absorbed at some rate and fill up the water in reservoir. Speaking from experience until it’s time to tap trees and haul sap it’s a quite passive form of agriculture.

Second is the seasons. I love that they added seasons, and sugaring is definitely seasonal! lol
You should only be able to produce syrup February-April maybe May. If you can’t plant corn certain time of year you shouldn’t be able to add water and make syrup in the summer-early winter…

Last is the actual production of syrup. Make a little sugar house production plant that looks like a typical VT(maple capital of the world, look it up) sugar house, and have the maple orchard produce sap to truck to the sugar house, where you input sap and firewood and output syrup. Not hard I would think to implement, but a more genuine experience!

That’s it! Great game!
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